/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32g4xx_hal_hrtim.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief TIM HAL module driver. * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following * functionalities of the High Resolution Timer (HRTIM) peripheral: * + HRTIM Initialization * + DLL Calibration Start * + Timer Time Base Unit Configuration * + Simple Time Base Start/Stop * + Simple Time Base Start/Stop Interrupt * + Simple Time Base Start/Stop DMA Request * + Simple Output Compare/PWM Channel Configuration * + Simple Output Compare/PWM Channel Start/Stop Interrupt * + Simple Output Compare/PWM Channel Start/Stop DMA Request * + Simple Input Capture Channel Configuration * + Simple Input Capture Channel Start/Stop Interrupt * + Simple Input Capture Channel Start/Stop DMA Request * + Simple One Pulse Channel Configuration * + Simple One Pulse Channel Start/Stop Interrupt * + HRTIM External Synchronization Configuration * + HRTIM Burst Mode Controller Configuration * + HRTIM Burst Mode Controller Enabling * + HRTIM External Events Conditioning Configuration * + HRTIM Faults Conditioning Configuration * + HRTIM Faults Enabling * + HRTIM ADC trigger Configuration * + Waveform Timer Configuration * + Waveform Event Filtering Configuration * + Waveform Dead Time Insertion Configuration * + Waveform Chopper Mode Configuration * + Waveform Compare Unit Configuration * + Waveform Capture Unit Configuration * + Waveform Output Configuration * + Waveform Counter Start/Stop * + Waveform Counter Start/Stop Interrupt * + Waveform Counter Start/Stop DMA Request * + Waveform Output Enabling * + Waveform Output Level Set/Get * + Waveform Output State Get * + Waveform Burst DMA Operation Configuration * + Waveform Burst DMA Operation Start * + Waveform Timer Counter Software Reset * + Waveform Capture Software Trigger * + Waveform Burst Mode Controller Software Trigger * + Waveform Timer Pre-loadable Registers Update Enabling * + Waveform Timer Pre-loadable Registers Software Update * + Waveform Timer Delayed Protection Status Get * + Waveform Timer Burst Status Get * + Waveform Timer Push-Pull Status Get * + Peripheral State Get * ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### Simple mode v.s. waveform mode ##### ============================================================================== [..] The HRTIM HAL API is split into 2 categories: (#)Simple functions: these functions allow for using a HRTIM timer as a general purpose timer with high resolution capabilities. HRTIM simple modes are managed through the set of functions named HAL_HRTIM_Simple. These functions are similar in name and usage to the one defined for the TIM peripheral. When a HRTIM timer operates in simple mode, only a very limited set of HRTIM features are used. Following simple modes are proposed: (++)Output compare mode, (++)PWM output mode, (++)Input capture mode, (++)One pulse mode. (#)Waveform functions: These functions allow taking advantage of the HRTIM flexibility to produce numerous types of control signal. When a HRTIM timer operates in waveform mode, all the HRTIM features are accessible without any restriction. HRTIM waveform modes are managed through the set of functions named HAL_HRTIM_Waveform ##### How to use this driver ##### ============================================================================== [..] (#)Initialize the HRTIM low level resources by implementing the HAL_HRTIM_MspInit() function: (##)Enable the HRTIM clock source using __HRTIMx_CLK_ENABLE() (##)Connect HRTIM pins to MCU I/Os (+++) Enable the clock for the HRTIM GPIOs using the following function: __HAL_RCC_GPIOx_CLK_ENABLE() (+++) Configure these GPIO pins in Alternate Function mode using HAL_GPIO_Init() (##)When using DMA to control data transfer (e.g HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart_DMA()) (+++)Enable the DMAx interface clock using __DMAx_CLK_ENABLE() (+++)Initialize the DMA handle (+++)Associate the initialized DMA handle to the appropriate DMA handle of the HRTIM handle using __HAL_LINKDMA() (+++)Initialize the DMA channel using HAL_DMA_Init() (+++)Configure the priority and enable the NVIC for the transfer complete interrupt on the DMA channel using HAL_NVIC_SetPriority() and HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ() (##)In case of using interrupt mode (e.g HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart_IT()) (+++)Configure the priority and enable the NVIC for the concerned HRTIM interrupt using HAL_NVIC_SetPriority() and HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ() (#)Initialize the HRTIM HAL using HAL_HRTIM_Init(). The HRTIM configuration structure (field of the HRTIM handle) specifies which global interrupt of whole HRTIM must be enabled (Burst mode period, System fault, Faults). It also contains the HRTIM external synchronization configuration. HRTIM can act as a master (generating a synchronization signal) or as a slave (waiting for a trigger to be synchronized). (#)Start the high resolution unit using HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationStart(). DLL calibration is executed periodically and compensate for potential voltage and temperature drifts. DLL calibration period is specified by the CalibrationRate argument. (#)HRTIM timers cannot be used until the high resolution unit is ready. This can be checked using HAL_HRTIM_PollForDLLCalibration(): this function returns HAL_OK if DLL calibration is completed or HAL_TIMEOUT if the DLL calibration is still going on when timeout given as argument expires. DLL calibration can also be started in interrupt mode using HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationStart_IT(). In that case an interrupt is generated when the DLL calibration is completed. Note that as DLL calibration is executed on a periodic basis an interrupt will be generated at the end of every DLL calibration operation (worst case: one interrupt every 14 micro seconds !). (#) Configure HRTIM resources shared by all HRTIM timers (##)Burst Mode Controller: (+++)HAL_HRTIM_BurstModeConfig(): configures the HRTIM burst mode controller: operating mode (continuous or one-shot mode), clock (source, prescaler) , trigger(s), period, idle duration. (##)External Events Conditioning: (+++)HAL_HRTIM_EventConfig(): configures the conditioning of an external event channel: source, polarity, edge-sensitivity. External event can be used as triggers (timer reset, input capture, burst mode, ADC triggers, delayed protection) They can also be used to set or reset timer outputs. Up to 10 event channels are available. (+++)HAL_HRTIM_EventPrescalerConfig(): configures the external event sampling clock (used for digital filtering). (##)Fault Conditioning: (+++)HAL_HRTIM_FaultConfig(): configures the conditioning of a fault channel: source, polarity, edge-sensitivity. Fault channels are used to disable the outputs in case of an abnormal operation. Up to 6 fault channels are available. (+++)HAL_HRTIM_FaultPrescalerConfig(): configures the fault sampling clock (used for digital filtering). (+++)HAL_HRTIM_FaultModeCtl(): Enables or disables fault input(s) circuitry. By default all fault inputs are disabled. (##)ADC trigger: (+++)HAL_HRTIM_ADCTriggerConfig(): configures the source triggering the update of the ADC trigger register and the ADC trigger. 4 independent triggers are available to start both the regular and the injected sequencers of the 2 ADCs (#) Configure HRTIM timer time base using HAL_HRTIM_TimeBaseConfig(). This function must be called whatever the HRTIM timer operating mode is (simple v.s. waveform). It configures mainly: (##)The HRTIM timer counter operating mode (continuous v.s. one shot) (##)The HRTIM timer clock prescaler (##)The HRTIM timer period (##)The HRTIM timer repetition counter *** If the HRTIM timer operates in simple mode *** =================================================== [..] (#) Start or Stop simple timers (++)Simple time base: HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart_IT(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop_IT(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart_DMA(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop_DMA(). (++)Simple output compare: HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCChannelConfig(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStart(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStop(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStart_IT(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStop_IT(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStart_DMA(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStop_DMA(), (++)Simple PWM output: HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMChannelConfig(), HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStart(),HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStop(), HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStart_IT(),HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStop_IT(), HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStart_DMA(),HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStop_DMA(), (++)Simple input capture: HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureChannelConfig(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart_IT(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop_IT(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart_DMA(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop_DMA(). (++)Simple one pulse: HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseChannelConfig(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStart(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStop(), HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStart_IT(),HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStop_It(). *** If the HRTIM timer operates in waveform mode *** ==================================================== [..] (#) Completes waveform timer configuration (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig(): configuration of a HRTIM timer operating in wave form mode mainly consists in: (+++)Enabling the HRTIM timer interrupts and DMA requests. (+++)Enabling the half mode for the HRTIM timer. (+++)Defining how the HRTIM timer reacts to external synchronization input. (+++)Enabling the push-pull mode for the HRTIM timer. (+++)Enabling the fault channels for the HRTIM timer. (+++)Enabling the dead-time insertion for the HRTIM timer. (+++)Setting the delayed protection mode for the HRTIM timer (source and outputs on which the delayed protection are applied). (+++)Specifying the HRTIM timer update and reset triggers. (+++)Specifying the HRTIM timer registers update policy (e.g. pre-load enabling). (++)HAL_HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringConfig(): configures external event blanking and windowing circuitry of a HRTIM timer: (+++)Blanking: to mask external events during a defined time period a defined time period (+++)Windowing, to enable external events only during a defined time period (++)HAL_HRTIM_DeadTimeConfig(): configures the dead-time insertion unit for a HRTIM timer. Allows to generate a couple of complementary signals from a single reference waveform, with programmable delays between active state. (++)HAL_HRTIM_ChopperModeConfig(): configures the parameters of the high-frequency carrier signal added on top of the timing unit output. Chopper mode can be enabled or disabled for each timer output separately (see HAL_HRTIM_WaveformOutputConfig()). (++)HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig(): configures the burst DMA burst controller. Allows having multiple HRTIM registers updated with a single DMA request. The burst DMA operation is started by calling HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMATransfer(). (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCompareConfig():configures the compare unit of a HRTIM timer. This operation consists in setting the compare value and possibly specifying the auto delayed mode for compare units 2 and 4 (allows to have compare events generated relatively to capture events). Note that when auto delayed mode is needed, the capture unit associated to the compare unit must be configured separately. (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCaptureConfig(): configures the capture unit of a HRTIM timer. This operation consists in specifying the source(s) triggering the capture (timer register update event, external event, timer output set/reset event, other HRTIM timer related events). (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformOutputConfig(): configuration of a HRTIM timer output mainly consists in: (+++)Setting the output polarity (active high or active low), (+++)Defining the set/reset crossbar for the output, (+++)Specifying the fault level (active or inactive) in IDLE and FAULT states., (#) Set waveform timer output(s) level (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformSetOutputLevel(): forces the output to its active or inactive level. For example, when deadtime insertion is enabled it is necessary to force the output level by software to have the outputs in a complementary state as soon as the RUN mode is entered. (#) Enable or Disable waveform timer output(s) (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformOutputStart(),HAL_HRTIM_WaveformOutputStop(). (#) Start or Stop waveform HRTIM timer(s). (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStart(),HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStop(), (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStart_IT(),HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStop_IT(), (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStart_DMA(),HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStop_DMA(), (#) Burst mode controller enabling: (++)HAL_HRTIM_BurstModeCtl(): activates or de-activates the burst mode controller. (#) Some HRTIM operations can be triggered by software: (++)HAL_HRTIM_BurstModeSoftwareTrigger(): calling this function trigs the burst operation. (++)HAL_HRTIM_SoftwareCapture(): calling this function trigs the capture of the HRTIM timer counter. (++)HAL_HRTIM_SoftwareUpdate(): calling this function trigs the update of the pre-loadable registers of the HRTIM timer (++)HAL_HRTIM_SoftwareReset():calling this function resets the HRTIM timer counter. (#) Some functions can be used any time to retrieve HRTIM timer related information (++)HAL_HRTIM_GetCapturedValue(): returns actual value of the capture register of the designated capture unit. (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputLevel(): returns actual level (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) of the designated timer output. (++)HAL_HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputState():returns actual state (IDLE/RUN/FAULT) of the designated timer output. (++)HAL_HRTIM_GetDelayedProtectionStatus():returns actual level (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) of the designated output when the delayed protection was triggered. (++)HAL_HRTIM_GetBurstStatus(): returns the actual status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) of the burst mode controller. (++)HAL_HRTIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus(): when the push-pull mode is enabled for the HRTIM timer (see HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig()), the push-pull status indicates on which output the signal is currently active (e.g signal applied on output 1 and output 2 forced inactive or vice versa). (++)HAL_HRTIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus(): when the push-pull mode is enabled for the HRTIM timer (see HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig()), the idle push-pull status indicates during which period the delayed protection request occurred (e.g. protection occurred when the output 1 was active and output 2 forced inactive or vice versa). (#) Some functions can be used any time to retrieve actual HRTIM status (++)HAL_HRTIM_GetState(): returns actual HRTIM instance HAL state. *** Callback registration *** ============================= [..] The compilation flag USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS when set to 1 allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks. Use Functions HAL_HRTIM_RegisterCallback() or HAL_HRTIM_TIMxRegisterCallback() to register an interrupt callback. [..] Function HAL_HRTIM_RegisterCallback() allows to register following callbacks: (+) Fault1Callback : Fault 1 interrupt callback function (+) Fault2Callback : Fault 2 interrupt callback function (+) Fault3Callback : Fault 3 interrupt callback function (+) Fault4Callback : Fault 4 interrupt callback function (+) Fault5Callback : Fault 5 interrupt callback function (+) Fault6Callback : Fault 6 interrupt callback function (+) SystemFaultCallback : System fault interrupt callback function (+) DLLCalibrationReadyCallback : DLL Ready interrupt callback function (+) BurstModePeriodCallback : Burst mode period interrupt callback function (+) SynchronizationEventCallback : Sync Input interrupt callback function (+) ErrorCallback : DMA error callback function (+) MspInitCallback : HRTIM MspInit callback function (+) MspDeInitCallback : HRTIM MspInit callback function [..] Function HAL_HRTIM_TIMxRegisterCallback() allows to register following callbacks: (+) RegistersUpdateCallback : Timer x Update interrupt callback function (+) RepetitionEventCallback : Timer x Repetition interrupt callback function (+) Compare1EventCallback : Timer x Compare 1 match interrupt callback function (+) Compare2EventCallback : Timer x Compare 2 match interrupt callback function (+) Compare3EventCallback : Timer x Compare 3 match interrupt callback function (+) Compare4EventCallback : Timer x Compare 4 match interrupt callback function (+) Capture1EventCallback : Timer x Capture 1 interrupts callback function (+) Capture2EventCallback : Timer x Capture 2 interrupts callback function (+) DelayedProtectionCallback : Timer x Delayed protection interrupt callback function (+) CounterResetCallback : Timer x counter reset/roll-over interrupt callback function (+) Output1SetCallback : Timer x output 1 set interrupt callback function (+) Output1ResetCallback : Timer x output 1 reset interrupt callback function (+) Output2SetCallback : Timer x output 2 set interrupt callback function (+) Output2ResetCallback : Timer x output 2 reset interrupt callback function (+) BurstDMATransferCallback : Timer x Burst DMA completed interrupt callback function [..] Both functions take as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID and a pointer to the user callback function. [..] Use function HAL_HRTIM_UnRegisterCallback or HAL_HRTIM_TIMxUnRegisterCallback to reset a callback to the default weak function. Both functions take as parameters the HAL peripheral handle and the Callback ID. [..] By default, after the HAL_HRTIM_Init() and when the state is HAL_HRTIM_STATE_RESET all callbacks are set to the corresponding weak functions (e.g HAL_HRTIM_Fault1Callback) Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit functions that are reset to the legacy weak functions in the HAL_HRTIM_Init()/ HAL_HRTIM_DeInit() only when these callbacks are null (not registered beforehand). If MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the HAL_HRTIM_Init()/ HAL_HRTIM_DeInit() keep and use the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand) whatever the state. [..] Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY state only. Exception done MspInit/MspDeInit functions that can be registered/unregistered in HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY or HAL_HRTIM_STATE_RESET states, thus registered (user) MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used during the Init/DeInit. Then, the user first registers the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks using HAL_HRTIM_RegisterCallback() before calling HAL_HRTIM_DeInit() or HAL_HRTIM_Init() function. [..] When the compilation flag USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or not defined, the callback registration feature is not available and all callbacks are set to the corresponding weak functions. @endverbatim ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32g4xx_hal.h" /** @addtogroup STM32G4xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ #ifdef HAL_HRTIM_MODULE_ENABLED #if defined(HRTIM1) /** @defgroup HRTIM HRTIM * @brief HRTIM HAL module driver * @{ */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Private_Defines HRTIM Private Define * @{ */ #define HRTIM_FLTR_FLTxEN (HRTIM_FLTR_FLT1EN |\ HRTIM_FLTR_FLT2EN |\ HRTIM_FLTR_FLT3EN |\ HRTIM_FLTR_FLT4EN | \ HRTIM_FLTR_FLT5EN | \ HRTIM_FLTR_FLT6EN) #define HRTIM_TIMCR_TIMUPDATETRIGGER (HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER_MASTER |\ HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER_TIMER_A |\ HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER_TIMER_B |\ HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER_TIMER_C |\ HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER_TIMER_D |\ HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER_TIMER_E |\ HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER_TIMER_F) #define HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLTxLCK ((HRTIM_FAULTLOCK_READONLY) | \ (HRTIM_FAULTLOCK_READONLY << 8U) | \ (HRTIM_FAULTLOCK_READONLY << 16U) | \ (HRTIM_FAULTLOCK_READONLY << 24U)) #define HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTxLCK ((HRTIM_FAULTLOCK_READONLY) | \ (HRTIM_FAULTLOCK_READONLY << 8U)) /** * @} */ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Private_Variables HRTIM Private Variables * @{ */ static uint32_t TimerIdxToTimerId[] = { HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A, HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B, HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C, HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D, HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E, HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_F, HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER, }; /** * @} */ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Private_Functions HRTIM Private Functions * @{ */ static void HRTIM_MasterBase_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, const HRTIM_TimeBaseCfgTypeDef *pTimeBaseCfg); static void HRTIM_TimingUnitBase_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimeBaseCfgTypeDef *pTimeBaseCfg); static void HRTIM_MasterWaveform_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, const HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef *pTimerCfg); static void HRTIM_TimingUnitWaveform_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef *pTimerCfg); static void HRTIM_TimingUnitWaveform_Control(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimerCtlTypeDef *pTimerCtl); static void HRTIM_TimingUnitRollOver_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t pRollOverMode); static void HRTIM_CaptureUnitConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit, uint32_t Event); static void HRTIM_OutputConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output, const HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef *pOutputCfg); static void HRTIM_EventConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Event, const HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef *pEventCfg); static void HRTIM_TIM_ResetConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Event); static uint32_t HRTIM_GetITFromOCMode(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel); static uint32_t HRTIM_GetDMAFromOCMode(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel); static DMA_HandleTypeDef *HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx); static uint32_t GetTimerIdxFromDMAHandle(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, const DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); static void HRTIM_ForceRegistersUpdate(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx); static void HRTIM_HRTIM_ISR(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim); static void HRTIM_Master_ISR(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim); static void HRTIM_Timer_ISR(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx); static void HRTIM_DMAMasterCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); static void HRTIM_DMATimerxCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); static void HRTIM_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); static void HRTIM_BurstDMACplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma); /** * @} */ /* Exported functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions HRTIM Exported Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Initialization and Time Base Configuration functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Initialize a HRTIM instance (+) De-initialize a HRTIM instance (+) Initialize the HRTIM MSP (+) De-initialize the HRTIM MSP (+) Start the high-resolution unit (start DLL calibration) (+) Check that the high resolution unit is ready (DLL calibration done) (+) Configure the time base unit of a HRTIM timer @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Initialize a HRTIM instance * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_Init(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { uint8_t timer_idx; uint32_t hrtim_mcr; /* Check the HRTIM handle allocation */ if (hhrtim == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_ALL_INSTANCE(hhrtim->Instance)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_IT(hhrtim->Init.HRTIMInterruptRequests)); #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_RESET) { /* Initialize callback function pointers to their default values */ hhrtim->Fault1Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault1Callback; hhrtim->Fault2Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault2Callback; hhrtim->Fault3Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault3Callback; hhrtim->Fault4Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault4Callback; hhrtim->Fault5Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault5Callback; hhrtim->Fault6Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault6Callback; hhrtim->SystemFaultCallback = HAL_HRTIM_SystemFaultCallback; hhrtim->DLLCalibrationReadyCallback = HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationReadyCallback; hhrtim->BurstModePeriodCallback = HAL_HRTIM_BurstModePeriodCallback; hhrtim->SynchronizationEventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_SynchronizationEventCallback; hhrtim->ErrorCallback = HAL_HRTIM_ErrorCallback; hhrtim->RegistersUpdateCallback = HAL_HRTIM_RegistersUpdateCallback; hhrtim->RepetitionEventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_RepetitionEventCallback; hhrtim->Compare1EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare1EventCallback; hhrtim->Compare2EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare2EventCallback; hhrtim->Compare3EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare3EventCallback; hhrtim->Compare4EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare4EventCallback; hhrtim->Capture1EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Capture1EventCallback; hhrtim->Capture2EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Capture2EventCallback; hhrtim->DelayedProtectionCallback = HAL_HRTIM_DelayedProtectionCallback; hhrtim->CounterResetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_CounterResetCallback; hhrtim->Output1SetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output1SetCallback; hhrtim->Output1ResetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output1ResetCallback; hhrtim->Output2SetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output2SetCallback; hhrtim->Output2ResetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output2ResetCallback; hhrtim->BurstDMATransferCallback = HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMATransferCallback; if (hhrtim->MspInitCallback == NULL) { hhrtim->MspInitCallback = HAL_HRTIM_MspInit; } } #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ /* Set the HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Initialize the DMA handles */ hhrtim->hdmaMaster = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; hhrtim->hdmaTimerA = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; hhrtim->hdmaTimerB = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; hhrtim->hdmaTimerC = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; hhrtim->hdmaTimerD = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; hhrtim->hdmaTimerE = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; hhrtim->hdmaTimerF = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; /* HRTIM output synchronization configuration (if required) */ if ((hhrtim->Init.SyncOptions & HRTIM_SYNCOPTION_MASTER) != (uint32_t)RESET) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_SYNCOUTPUTSOURCE(hhrtim->Init.SyncOutputSource)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_SYNCOUTPUTPOLARITY(hhrtim->Init.SyncOutputPolarity)); /* The synchronization output initialization procedure must be done prior to the configuration of the MCU outputs (done within HAL_HRTIM_MspInit) */ if (hhrtim->Instance == HRTIM1) { /* Enable the HRTIM peripheral clock */ __HAL_RCC_HRTIM1_CLK_ENABLE(); } hrtim_mcr = hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR; /* Set the event to be sent on the synchronization output */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC); hrtim_mcr |= (hhrtim->Init.SyncOutputSource & HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC); /* Set the polarity of the synchronization output */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT); hrtim_mcr |= (hhrtim->Init.SyncOutputPolarity & HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR = hrtim_mcr; } /* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC and DMA */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->MspInitCallback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_MspInit(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ /* HRTIM input synchronization configuration (if required) */ if ((hhrtim->Init.SyncOptions & HRTIM_SYNCOPTION_SLAVE) != (uint32_t)RESET) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_SYNCINPUTSOURCE(hhrtim->Init.SyncInputSource)); hrtim_mcr = hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR; /* Set the synchronization input source */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_IN); hrtim_mcr |= (hhrtim->Init.SyncInputSource & HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_IN); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR = hrtim_mcr; } /* Initialize the HRTIM state*/ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Initialize the lock status of the HRTIM HAL API */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); /* Initialize timer related parameters */ for (timer_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A ; timer_idx <= HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER ; timer_idx++) { hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].CaptureTrigger1 = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].CaptureTrigger2 = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].InterruptRequests = HRTIM_IT_NONE; hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMARequests = HRTIM_IT_NONE; hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMASrcAddress = 0U; hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMASize = 0U; } return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief De-initialize a HRTIM instance * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_DeInit(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Check the HRTIM handle allocation */ if (hhrtim == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_ALL_INSTANCE(hhrtim->Instance)); /* Set the HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* DeInit the low level hardware */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) if (hhrtim->MspDeInitCallback == NULL) { hhrtim->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_HRTIM_MspDeInit; } hhrtim->MspDeInitCallback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_MspDeInit(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief MSP initialization for a HRTIM instance * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_MspInit(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE: This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_MspInit could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief MSP de-initialization of a HRTIM instance * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_MspDeInit(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE: This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Start the DLL calibration * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param CalibrationRate DLL calibration period * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_SINGLE_CALIBRATION: One shot DLL calibration * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_0: Periodic DLL calibration. T=6.168 ms * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_1: Periodic DLL calibration. T=0.771 ms * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_2: Periodic DLL calibration. T=0.096 ms * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_3: Periodic DLL calibration. T=0.012 ms * @retval HAL status * @note This function locks the HRTIM instance. HRTIM instance is unlocked * within the HAL_HRTIM_PollForDLLCalibration function, just before * exiting the function. */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t CalibrationRate) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE(CalibrationRate)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if (CalibrationRate == HRTIM_SINGLE_CALIBRATION) { /* One shot DLL calibration */ CLEAR_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CALEN); SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CAL); } else { /* Periodic DLL calibration */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CALEN); MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CALRTE, CalibrationRate); SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CAL); } /* Set HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the DLL calibration. * DLL ready interrupt is enabled * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param CalibrationRate DLL calibration period * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_SINGLE_CALIBRATION: One shot DLL calibration * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_0: Periodic DLL calibration. T=6.168 ms * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_1: Periodic DLL calibration. T=0.771 ms * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_2: Periodic DLL calibration. T=0.096 ms * @arg HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE_3: Periodic DLL calibration. T=0.012 ms * @retval HAL status * @note This function locks the HRTIM instance. HRTIM instance is unlocked * within the IRQ processing function when processing the DLL ready * interrupt. * @note If this function is called for periodic calibration, the DLLRDY * interrupt is generated every time the calibration completes which * will significantly increases the overall interrupt rate. */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationStart_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t CalibrationRate) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CALIBRATIONRATE(CalibrationRate)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable DLL Ready interrupt flag */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_DLLRDY); if (CalibrationRate == HRTIM_SINGLE_CALIBRATION) { /* One shot DLL calibration */ CLEAR_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CALEN); SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CAL); } else { /* Periodic DLL calibration */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CALEN); MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CALRTE, CalibrationRate); SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.DLLCR, HRTIM_DLLCR_CAL); } /* Set HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Poll the DLL calibration ready flag and returns when the flag is * set (DLL calibration completed) or upon timeout expiration. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timeout Timeout duration in millisecond * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_PollForDLLCalibration(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timeout) { uint32_t tickstart; tickstart = HAL_GetTick(); /* Check End of conversion flag */ while (__HAL_HRTIM_GET_FLAG(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_DLLRDY) == (uint32_t)RESET) { if (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY) { if (((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout) || (Timeout == 0U)) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; return HAL_TIMEOUT; } } } /* Set HRTIM State */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the time base unit of a timer * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param pTimeBaseCfg pointer to the time base configuration structure * @note This function must be called prior starting the timer * @note The time-base unit initialization parameters specify: * The timer counter operating mode (continuous, one shot), * The timer clock prescaler, * The timer period, * The timer repetition counter. * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_TimeBaseConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimeBaseCfgTypeDef *pTimeBaseCfg) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO(pTimeBaseCfg->PrescalerRatio)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_MODE(pTimeBaseCfg->Mode)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Set the HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { /* Configure master timer time base unit */ HRTIM_MasterBase_Config(hhrtim, pTimeBaseCfg); } else { /* Configure timing unit time base unit */ HRTIM_TimingUnitBase_Config(hhrtim, TimerIdx, pTimeBaseCfg); } /* Set HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group2 Simple time base mode functions * @brief Simple time base mode functions. @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Simple time base mode functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Start simple time base (+) Stop simple time base (+) Start simple time base and enable interrupt (+) Stop simple time base and disable interrupt (+) Start simple time base and enable DMA transfer (+) Stop simple time base and disable DMA transfer -@- When a HRTIM timer operates in simple time base mode, the timer counter counts from 0 to the period value. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Start the counter of a timer operating in simple time base mode. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the counter of a timer operating in simple time base mode. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the counter of a timer operating in simple time base mode * (Timer repetition interrupt is enabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the repetition interrupt */ if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MREP); } else { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_REP); } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the counter of a timer operating in simple time base mode * (Timer repetition interrupt is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the repetition interrupt */ if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MREP); } else { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_REP); } /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the counter of a timer operating in simple time base mode * (Timer repetition DMA request is enabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param SrcAddr DMA transfer source address * @param DestAddr DMA transfer destination address * @param Length The length of data items (data size) to be transferred * from source to destination */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStart_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t SrcAddr, uint32_t DestAddr, uint32_t Length) { DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY) { if ((SrcAddr == 0U) || (DestAddr == 0U) || (Length == 0U)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; } } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); /* Get the timer DMA handler */ hdma = HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx); if (hdma == NULL) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Set the DMA transfer completed callback */ if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { hdma->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_DMAMasterCplt; } else { hdma->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_DMATimerxCplt; } /* Set the DMA error callback */ hdma->XferErrorCallback = HRTIM_DMAError ; /* Enable the DMA channel */ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdma, SrcAddr, DestAddr, Length) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer repetition DMA request */ if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MREP); } else { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_REP); } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the counter of a timer operating in simple time base mode * (Timer repetition DMA request is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleBaseStop_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Disable the DMA */ if (HAL_DMA_Abort(hhrtim->hdmaMaster) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; } /* Disable the timer repetition DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MREP); } else { /* Get the timer DMA handler */ hdma = HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx); if (hdma == NULL) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; } else { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Disable the DMA */ if (HAL_DMA_Abort(hdma) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; } /* Disable the timer repetition DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_REP); } } /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { return HAL_OK; } } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group3 Simple output compare mode functions * @brief Simple output compare functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Simple output compare functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Configure simple output channel (+) Start simple output compare (+) Stop simple output compare (+) Start simple output compare and enable interrupt (+) Stop simple output compare and disable interrupt (+) Start simple output compare and enable DMA transfer (+) Stop simple output compare and disable DMA transfer -@- When a HRTIM timer operates in simple output compare mode the output level is set to a programmable value when a match is found between the compare register and the counter. Compare unit 1 is automatically associated to output 1 Compare unit 2 is automatically associated to output 2 @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure an output in simple output compare mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @param pSimpleOCChannelCfg pointer to the simple output compare output configuration structure * @note When the timer operates in simple output compare mode: * Output 1 is implicitly controlled by the compare unit 1 * Output 2 is implicitly controlled by the compare unit 2 * Output Set/Reset crossbar is set according to the selected output compare mode: * Toggle: SETxyR = RSTxyR = CMPy * Active: SETxyR = CMPy, RSTxyR = 0 * Inactive: SETxy =0, RSTxy = CMPy * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCChannelConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel, const HRTIM_SimpleOCChannelCfgTypeDef *pSimpleOCChannelCfg) { uint32_t CompareUnit = (uint32_t)RESET; HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef OutputCfg; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OCChannel)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_BASICOCMODE(pSimpleOCChannelCfg->Mode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTPULSE(pSimpleOCChannelCfg->Pulse)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTPOLARITY(pSimpleOCChannelCfg->Polarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLELEVEL(pSimpleOCChannelCfg->IdleLevel)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); /* Set HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure timer compare unit */ switch (OCChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { CompareUnit = HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP1xR = pSimpleOCChannelCfg->Pulse; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { CompareUnit = HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP2xR = pSimpleOCChannelCfg->Pulse; break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Configure timer output */ OutputCfg.Polarity = (pSimpleOCChannelCfg->Polarity & HRTIM_OUTR_POL1); OutputCfg.IdleLevel = (pSimpleOCChannelCfg->IdleLevel & HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1); OutputCfg.FaultLevel = HRTIM_OUTPUTFAULTLEVEL_NONE; OutputCfg.IdleMode = HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLEMODE_NONE; OutputCfg.ChopperModeEnable = HRTIM_OUTPUTCHOPPERMODE_DISABLED; OutputCfg.BurstModeEntryDelayed = HRTIM_OUTPUTBURSTMODEENTRY_REGULAR; switch (pSimpleOCChannelCfg->Mode) { case HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_TOGGLE: { if (CompareUnit == HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1) { OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1; } else { OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2; } OutputCfg.ResetSource = OutputCfg.SetSource; break; } case HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_ACTIVE: { if (CompareUnit == HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1) { OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1; } else { OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2; } OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_NONE; break; } case HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_INACTIVE: { if (CompareUnit == HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1) { OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1; } else { OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2; } OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_NONE; break; } default: { OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_NONE; OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_NONE; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } HRTIM_OutputConfig(hhrtim, TimerIdx, OCChannel, &OutputCfg); /* Set HRTIM state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OCChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= OCChannel; /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStop(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OCChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= OCChannel; /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output * (Interrupt is enabled (see note note below)). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @note Interrupt enabling depends on the chosen output compare mode * Output toggle: compare match interrupt is enabled * Output set active: output set interrupt is enabled * Output set inactive: output reset interrupt is enabled * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStart_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel) { uint32_t interrupt; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OCChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Get the interrupt to enable (depends on the output compare mode) */ interrupt = HRTIM_GetITFromOCMode(hhrtim, TimerIdx, OCChannel); /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= OCChannel; /* Enable the timer interrupt (depends on the output compare mode) */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, interrupt); /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output * (Interrupt is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStop_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel) { uint32_t interrupt; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OCChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= OCChannel; /* Get the interrupt to disable (depends on the output compare mode) */ interrupt = HRTIM_GetITFromOCMode(hhrtim, TimerIdx, OCChannel); /* Disable the timer interrupt */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, interrupt); /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output * (DMA request is enabled (see note below)). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @param SrcAddr DMA transfer source address * @param DestAddr DMA transfer destination address * @param Length The length of data items (data size) to be transferred * from source to destination * @note DMA request enabling depends on the chosen output compare mode * Output toggle: compare match DMA request is enabled * Output set active: output set DMA request is enabled * Output set inactive: output reset DMA request is enabled * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStart_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel, uint32_t SrcAddr, uint32_t DestAddr, uint32_t Length) { DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; uint32_t dma_request; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OCChannel)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY) { if ((SrcAddr == 0U) || (DestAddr == 0U) || (Length == 0U)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; } } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= OCChannel; /* Get the DMA request to enable */ dma_request = HRTIM_GetDMAFromOCMode(hhrtim, TimerIdx, OCChannel); /* Get the timer DMA handler */ hdma = HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx); if (hdma == NULL) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Set the DMA error callback */ hdma->XferErrorCallback = HRTIM_DMAError ; /* Set the DMA transfer completed callback */ hdma->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_DMATimerxCplt; /* Enable the DMA channel */ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdma, SrcAddr, DestAddr, Length) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, dma_request); /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the output compare signal generation on the designed timer output * (DMA request is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOCStop_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel) { uint32_t dma_request; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OCChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= OCChannel; /* Get the timer DMA handler */ /* Disable the DMA */ if (HAL_DMA_Abort(HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx)) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Get the DMA request to disable */ dma_request = HRTIM_GetDMAFromOCMode(hhrtim, TimerIdx, OCChannel); /* Disable the timer DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, dma_request); /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group4 Simple PWM output mode functions * @brief Simple PWM output functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Simple PWM output functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Configure simple PWM output channel (+) Start simple PWM output (+) Stop simple PWM output (+) Start simple PWM output and enable interrupt (+) Stop simple PWM output and disable interrupt (+) Start simple PWM output and enable DMA transfer (+) Stop simple PWM output and disable DMA transfer -@- When a HRTIM timer operates in simple PWM output mode the output level is set to a programmable value when a match is found between the compare register and the counter and reset when the timer period is reached. Duty cycle is determined by the comparison value. Compare unit 1 is automatically associated to output 1 Compare unit 2 is automatically associated to output 2 @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure an output in simple PWM mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param PWMChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @param pSimplePWMChannelCfg pointer to the simple PWM output configuration structure * @note When the timer operates in simple PWM output mode: * Output 1 is implicitly controlled by the compare unit 1 * Output 2 is implicitly controlled by the compare unit 2 * Output Set/Reset crossbar is set as follows: * Output 1: SETx1R = CMP1, RSTx1R = PER * Output 2: SETx2R = CMP2, RST2R = PER * @note When Simple PWM mode is used the registers preload mechanism is * enabled (otherwise the behavior is not guaranteed). * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMChannelConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel, const HRTIM_SimplePWMChannelCfgTypeDef *pSimplePWMChannelCfg) { HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef OutputCfg; uint32_t hrtim_timcr; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, PWMChannel)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTPOLARITY(pSimplePWMChannelCfg->Polarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTPULSE(pSimplePWMChannelCfg->Pulse)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLELEVEL(pSimplePWMChannelCfg->IdleLevel)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure timer compare unit */ switch (PWMChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP1xR = pSimplePWMChannelCfg->Pulse; OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP2xR = pSimplePWMChannelCfg->Pulse; OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2; break; } default: { OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_NONE; OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_NONE; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Configure timer output */ OutputCfg.Polarity = (pSimplePWMChannelCfg->Polarity & HRTIM_OUTR_POL1); OutputCfg.IdleLevel = (pSimplePWMChannelCfg->IdleLevel & HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1); OutputCfg.FaultLevel = HRTIM_OUTPUTFAULTLEVEL_NONE; OutputCfg.IdleMode = HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLEMODE_NONE; OutputCfg.ChopperModeEnable = HRTIM_OUTPUTCHOPPERMODE_DISABLED; OutputCfg.BurstModeEntryDelayed = HRTIM_OUTPUTBURSTMODEENTRY_REGULAR; OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMPER; HRTIM_OutputConfig(hhrtim, TimerIdx, PWMChannel, &OutputCfg); /* Enable the registers preload mechanism */ hrtim_timcr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR; hrtim_timcr |= HRTIM_TIMCR_PREEN; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR = hrtim_timcr; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param PWMChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, PWMChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= PWMChannel; /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param PWMChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStop(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, PWMChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= PWMChannel; /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output * (The compare interrupt is enabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param PWMChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStart_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, PWMChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= PWMChannel; /* Enable the timer interrupt (depends on the PWM output) */ switch (PWMChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1); break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output * (The compare interrupt is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param PWMChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStop_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, PWMChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= PWMChannel; /* Disable the timer interrupt (depends on the PWM output) */ switch (PWMChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1); break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output * (The compare DMA request is enabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param PWMChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @param SrcAddr DMA transfer source address * @param DestAddr DMA transfer destination address * @param Length The length of data items (data size) to be transferred * from source to destination * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStart_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel, uint32_t SrcAddr, uint32_t DestAddr, uint32_t Length) { DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, PWMChannel)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY) { if ((SrcAddr == 0U) || (DestAddr == 0U) || (Length == 0U)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; } } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= PWMChannel; /* Get the timer DMA handler */ hdma = HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx); if (hdma == NULL) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Set the DMA error callback */ hdma->XferErrorCallback = HRTIM_DMAError ; /* Set the DMA transfer completed callback */ hdma->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_DMATimerxCplt; /* Enable the DMA channel */ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdma, SrcAddr, DestAddr, Length) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer DMA request */ switch (PWMChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP1); break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the PWM output signal generation on the designed timer output * (The compare DMA request is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param PWMChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimplePWMStop_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t PWMChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, PWMChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= PWMChannel; /* Get the timer DMA handler */ /* Disable the DMA */ if (HAL_DMA_Abort(HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx)) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Disable the timer DMA request */ switch (PWMChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP1); break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group5 Simple input capture functions * @brief Simple input capture functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Simple input capture functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Configure simple input capture channel (+) Start simple input capture (+) Stop simple input capture (+) Start simple input capture and enable interrupt (+) Stop simple input capture and disable interrupt (+) Start simple input capture and enable DMA transfer (+) Stop simple input capture and disable DMA transfer -@- When a HRTIM timer operates in simple input capture mode the Capture Register (HRTIM_CPT1/2xR) is used to latch the value of the timer counter counter after a transition detected on a given external event input. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure a simple capture * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureChannel Capture unit * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @param pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg pointer to the simple capture configuration structure * @note When the timer operates in simple capture mode the capture is triggered * by the designated external event and GPIO input is implicitly used as event source. * The cature can be triggered by a rising edge, a falling edge or both * edges on event channel. * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureChannelConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel, const HRTIM_SimpleCaptureChannelCfgTypeDef *pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg) { HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef EventCfg; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureChannel)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENT(pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->Event)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTPOLARITY(pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->EventSensitivity, pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->EventPolarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTSENSITIVITY(pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->EventSensitivity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTFILTER(pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->Event, pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->EventFilter)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure external event channel */ EventCfg.FastMode = HRTIM_EVENTFASTMODE_DISABLE; EventCfg.Filter = (pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->EventFilter & HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F); EventCfg.Polarity = (pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->EventPolarity & HRTIM_EECR1_EE1POL); EventCfg.Sensitivity = (pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->EventSensitivity & HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS); EventCfg.Source = HRTIM_EEV1SRC_GPIO; /* source 1 for External Event */ HRTIM_EventConfig(hhrtim, pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->Event, &EventCfg); /* Memorize capture trigger (will be configured when the capture is started */ HRTIM_CaptureUnitConfig(hhrtim, TimerIdx, CaptureChannel, pSimpleCaptureChannelCfg->Event); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable a simple capture on the designed capture unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval HAL status * @note The external event triggering the capture is available for all timing * units. It can be used directly and is active as soon as the timing * unit counter is enabled. */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the capture unit trigger */ switch (CaptureChannel) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR = hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger1; break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR = hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger2; break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable a simple capture on the designed capture unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel) { uint32_t hrtim_cpt1cr; uint32_t hrtim_cpt2cr; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the capture unit trigger */ switch (CaptureChannel) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hrtim_cpt1cr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR; hrtim_cpt2cr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR; /* Disable the timer counter */ if ((hrtim_cpt1cr == HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE) && (hrtim_cpt2cr == HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE)) { __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable a simple capture on the designed capture unit * (Capture interrupt is enabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the capture unit trigger */ switch (CaptureChannel) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR = hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger1; /* Enable the capture unit 1 interrupt */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT1); break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR = hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger2; /* Enable the capture unit 2 interrupt */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable a simple capture on the designed capture unit * (Capture interrupt is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel) { uint32_t hrtim_cpt1cr; uint32_t hrtim_cpt2cr; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the capture unit trigger */ switch (CaptureChannel) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; /* Disable the capture unit 1 interrupt */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT1); break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; /* Disable the capture unit 2 interrupt */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hrtim_cpt1cr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR; hrtim_cpt2cr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR; /* Disable the timer counter */ if ((hrtim_cpt1cr == HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE) && (hrtim_cpt2cr == HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE)) { __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable a simple capture on the designed capture unit * (Capture DMA request is enabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @param SrcAddr DMA transfer source address * @param DestAddr DMA transfer destination address * @param Length The length of data items (data size) to be transferred * from source to destination * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStart_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel, uint32_t SrcAddr, uint32_t DestAddr, uint32_t Length) { DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Get the timer DMA handler */ hdma = HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx); if (hdma == NULL) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Set the DMA error callback */ hdma->XferErrorCallback = HRTIM_DMAError ; /* Set the DMA transfer completed callback */ hdma->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_DMATimerxCplt; /* Enable the DMA channel */ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdma, SrcAddr, DestAddr, Length) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } switch (CaptureChannel) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { /* Set the capture unit trigger */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR = hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger1; __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT1); break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { /* Set the capture unit trigger */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR = hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger2; /* Enable the timer DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable a simple capture on the designed capture unit * (Capture DMA request is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleCaptureStop_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureChannel) { uint32_t hrtim_cpt1cr; uint32_t hrtim_cpt2cr; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Get the timer DMA handler */ /* Disable the DMA */ if (HAL_DMA_Abort(HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx)) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } switch (CaptureChannel) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { /* Reset the capture unit trigger */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; /* Disable the capture unit 1 DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT1); break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { /* Reset the capture unit trigger */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE; /* Disable the capture unit 2 DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hrtim_cpt1cr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR; hrtim_cpt2cr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR; /* Disable the timer counter */ if ((hrtim_cpt1cr == HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE) && (hrtim_cpt2cr == HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_NONE)) { __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group6 Simple one pulse functions * @brief Simple one pulse functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Simple one pulse functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Configure one pulse channel (+) Start one pulse generation (+) Stop one pulse generation (+) Start one pulse generation and enable interrupt (+) Stop one pulse generation and disable interrupt -@- When a HRTIM timer operates in simple one pulse mode the timer counter is started in response to transition detected on a given external event input to generate a pulse with a programmable length after a programmable delay. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure an output simple one pulse mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OnePulseChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @param pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg pointer to the simple one pulse output configuration structure * @note When the timer operates in simple one pulse mode: * the timer counter is implicitly started by the reset event, * the reset of the timer counter is triggered by the designated external event * GPIO input is implicitly used as event source, * Output 1 is implicitly controlled by the compare unit 1, * Output 2 is implicitly controlled by the compare unit 2. * Output Set/Reset crossbar is set as follows: * Output 1: SETx1R = CMP1, RSTx1R = PER * Output 2: SETx2R = CMP2, RST2R = PER * @retval HAL status * @note If HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseChannelConfig is called for both timer * outputs, the reset event related configuration data provided in the * second call will override the reset event related configuration data * provided in the first call. */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseChannelConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel, const HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseChannelCfgTypeDef *pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg) { HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef OutputCfg; HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef EventCfg; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OnePulseChannel)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTPULSE(pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->Pulse)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTPOLARITY(pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->OutputPolarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLELEVEL(pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->OutputIdleLevel)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENT(pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->Event)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTPOLARITY(pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->EventSensitivity, pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->EventPolarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTSENSITIVITY(pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->EventSensitivity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTFILTER(pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->Event, pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->EventFilter)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure timer compare unit */ switch (OnePulseChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP1xR = pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->Pulse; OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP2xR = pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->Pulse; OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2; break; } default: { OutputCfg.SetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_NONE; OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_NONE; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Configure timer output */ OutputCfg.Polarity = (pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->OutputPolarity & HRTIM_OUTR_POL1); OutputCfg.IdleLevel = (pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->OutputIdleLevel & HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1); OutputCfg.FaultLevel = HRTIM_OUTPUTFAULTLEVEL_NONE; OutputCfg.IdleMode = HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLEMODE_NONE; OutputCfg.ChopperModeEnable = HRTIM_OUTPUTCHOPPERMODE_DISABLED; OutputCfg.BurstModeEntryDelayed = HRTIM_OUTPUTBURSTMODEENTRY_REGULAR; OutputCfg.ResetSource = HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMPER; HRTIM_OutputConfig(hhrtim, TimerIdx, OnePulseChannel, &OutputCfg); /* Configure external event channel */ EventCfg.FastMode = HRTIM_EVENTFASTMODE_DISABLE; EventCfg.Filter = (pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->EventFilter & HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F); EventCfg.Polarity = (pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->EventPolarity & HRTIM_OUTR_POL1); EventCfg.Sensitivity = (pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->EventSensitivity & HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS); EventCfg.Source = HRTIM_EEV1SRC_GPIO; /* source 1 for External Event */ HRTIM_EventConfig(hhrtim, pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->Event, &EventCfg); /* Configure the timer reset register */ HRTIM_TIM_ResetConfig(hhrtim, TimerIdx, pSimpleOnePulseChannelCfg->Event); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable the simple one pulse signal generation on the designed output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OnePulseChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OnePulseChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= OnePulseChannel; /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable the simple one pulse signal generation on the designed output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OnePulseChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStop(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OnePulseChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= OnePulseChannel; /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable the simple one pulse signal generation on the designed output * (The compare interrupt is enabled (pulse start)). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer E * @param OnePulseChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStart_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OnePulseChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= OnePulseChannel; /* Enable the timer interrupt (depends on the OnePulse output) */ switch (OnePulseChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1); break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable the simple one pulse signal generation on the designed output * (The compare interrupt is disabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param OnePulseChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SimpleOnePulseStop_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OnePulseChannel) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, OnePulseChannel)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable the timer output */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= OnePulseChannel; /* Disable the timer interrupt (depends on the OnePulse output) */ switch (OnePulseChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1); break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, TimerIdxToTimerId[TimerIdx]); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group7 Configuration functions * @brief HRTIM configuration functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### HRTIM configuration functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to configure the HRTIM resources shared by all the HRTIM timers operating in waveform mode: (+) Configure the burst mode controller (+) Configure an external event conditioning (+) Configure the external events sampling clock (+) Configure a fault conditioning (+) Enable or disable fault inputs (+) Configure the faults sampling clock (+) Configure an ADC trigger @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure the burst mode feature of the HRTIM * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param pBurstModeCfg pointer to the burst mode configuration structure * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the burst mode * controller */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_BurstModeConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, const HRTIM_BurstModeCfgTypeDef *pBurstModeCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_bmcr; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_BURSTMODE(pBurstModeCfg->Mode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_BURSTMODECLOCKSOURCE(pBurstModeCfg->ClockSource)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_HRTIM_BURSTMODEPRESCALER(pBurstModeCfg->Prescaler)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_BURSTMODEPRELOAD(pBurstModeCfg->PreloadEnable)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_BURSTMODETRIGGER(pBurstModeCfg->Trigger)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; hrtim_bmcr = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR; /* Set the burst mode operating mode */ hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_BMOM); hrtim_bmcr |= (pBurstModeCfg->Mode & HRTIM_BMCR_BMOM); /* Set the burst mode clock source */ hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK); hrtim_bmcr |= (pBurstModeCfg->ClockSource & HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK); /* Set the burst mode prescaler */ hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC); hrtim_bmcr |= pBurstModeCfg->Prescaler; /* Enable/disable burst mode registers preload */ hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_BMPREN); hrtim_bmcr |= (pBurstModeCfg->PreloadEnable & HRTIM_BMCR_BMPREN); /* Set the burst mode trigger */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMTRGR = pBurstModeCfg->Trigger; /* Set the burst mode compare value */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCMPR = pBurstModeCfg->IdleDuration; /* Set the burst mode period */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMPER = pBurstModeCfg->Period; /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR = hrtim_bmcr; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the conditioning of an external event * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Event external event to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_NONE: no external Event * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_1: External event 1 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_2: External event 2 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_3: External event 3 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_4: External event 4 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_5: External event 5 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_6: External event 6 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_7: External event 7 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_8: External event 8 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_9: External event 9 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_10: External event 10 * @param pEventCfg pointer to the event conditioning configuration structure * @note This function must be called before starting the timer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_EventConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Event, const HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef *pEventCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENT(Event)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTSRC(Event, pEventCfg->Source)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTPOLARITY(pEventCfg->Sensitivity, pEventCfg->Polarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTSENSITIVITY(pEventCfg->Sensitivity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTFASTMODE(Event, pEventCfg->FastMode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTFILTER(Event, pEventCfg->Filter)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure the event channel */ HRTIM_EventConfig(hhrtim, Event, pEventCfg); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the external event conditioning block prescaler * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Prescaler Prescaler value * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_EVENTPRESCALER_DIV1: fEEVS=fHRTIM * @arg HRTIM_EVENTPRESCALER_DIV2: fEEVS=fHRTIM / 2 * @arg HRTIM_EVENTPRESCALER_DIV4: fEEVS=fHRTIM / 4 * @arg HRTIM_EVENTPRESCALER_DIV8: fEEVS=fHRTIM / 8 * @note This function must be called before starting the timer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_EventPrescalerConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Prescaler) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENTPRESCALER(Prescaler)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the external event prescaler */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3, HRTIM_EECR3_EEVSD, (Prescaler & HRTIM_EECR3_EEVSD)); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the conditioning of fault input * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Fault fault input to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_1: Fault input 1 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_2: Fault input 2 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_3: Fault input 3 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_4: Fault input 4 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_5: Fault input 5 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_6: Fault input 6 * @param pFaultCfg pointer to the fault conditioning configuration structure * @note This function must be called before starting the timer and before * enabling faults inputs * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_FaultConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Fault, const HRTIM_FaultCfgTypeDef *pFaultCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_fltinr1; uint32_t hrtim_fltinr2; uint32_t source0, source1; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULT(Fault)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTSOURCE(pFaultCfg->Source)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTPOLARITY(pFaultCfg->Polarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTFILTER(pFaultCfg->Filter)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTLOCK(pFaultCfg->Lock)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure fault channel */ hrtim_fltinr1 = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1; hrtim_fltinr2 = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2; source0 = (pFaultCfg->Source & 1U); source1 = ((pFaultCfg->Source & 2U) >> 1); switch (Fault) { case HRTIM_FAULT_1: { hrtim_fltinr1 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1P | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1SRC_0 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1LCK); hrtim_fltinr1 |= (pFaultCfg->Polarity & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1P); hrtim_fltinr1 |= (source0 << HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1SRC_0_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT1SRC_1); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source1 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT1SRC_1_Pos); hrtim_fltinr1 |= (pFaultCfg->Filter & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F); hrtim_fltinr1 |= (pFaultCfg->Lock & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1LCK); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_2: { hrtim_fltinr1 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2P | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2SRC_0 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2F | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2LCK); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Polarity << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2P); hrtim_fltinr1 |= (source0 << HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2SRC_0_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT2SRC_1); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source1 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT2SRC_1_Pos); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Filter << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2F); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Lock << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2LCK); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_3: { hrtim_fltinr1 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3P | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3SRC_0 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3F | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3LCK); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Polarity << 16U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3P); hrtim_fltinr1 |= (source0 << HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3SRC_0_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT3SRC_1); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source1 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT3SRC_1_Pos); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Filter << 16U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3F); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Lock << 16U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3LCK); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_4: { hrtim_fltinr1 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4P | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4SRC_0 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4F | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4LCK); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Polarity << 24U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4P); hrtim_fltinr1 |= (source0 << HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4SRC_0_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT4SRC_1); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source1 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT4SRC_1_Pos); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Filter << 24U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4F); hrtim_fltinr1 |= ((pFaultCfg->Lock << 24U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4LCK); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_5: { hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5P | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5SRC_0 | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5F | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5LCK); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (pFaultCfg->Polarity & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5P); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source0 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5SRC_0_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5SRC_1); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source1 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5SRC_1_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (pFaultCfg->Filter & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5F); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (pFaultCfg->Lock & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5LCK); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_6: { hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6P | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6SRC_0 | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6F | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6LCK); hrtim_fltinr2 |= ((pFaultCfg->Polarity << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6P); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source0 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6SRC_0_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 &= ~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6SRC_1); hrtim_fltinr2 |= (source1 << HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6SRC_1_Pos); hrtim_fltinr2 |= ((pFaultCfg->Filter << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6F); hrtim_fltinr2 |= ((pFaultCfg->Lock << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6LCK); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Update the HRTIM registers except LOCK bit */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1 = (hrtim_fltinr1 & (~(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLTxLCK))); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2 = (hrtim_fltinr2 & (~(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTxLCK))); /* Update the HRTIM registers LOCK bit */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1, (hrtim_fltinr1 & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLTxLCK)); SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2, (hrtim_fltinr2 & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTxLCK)); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the fault conditioning block prescaler * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Prescaler Prescaler value * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_FAULTPRESCALER_DIV1: fFLTS=fHRTIM * @arg HRTIM_FAULTPRESCALER_DIV2: fFLTS=fHRTIM / 2 * @arg HRTIM_FAULTPRESCALER_DIV4: fFLTS=fHRTIM / 4 * @arg HRTIM_FAULTPRESCALER_DIV8: fFLTS=fHRTIM / 8 * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer and before * enabling faults inputs */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_FaultPrescalerConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Prescaler) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTPRESCALER(Prescaler)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the external event prescaler */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2, HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTSD, (Prescaler & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTSD)); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure and Enable the blanking source of a Fault input * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Fault fault input to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_1: Fault input 1 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_2: Fault input 2 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_3: Fault input 3 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_4: Fault input 4 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_5: Fault input 5 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_6: Fault input 6 * @param pFaultBlkCfg: pointer to the fault conditioning configuration structure * @note This function automatically enables the Blanking on Fault * @note This function must be called when fault is not enabled * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_FaultBlankingConfigAndEnable(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Fault, const HRTIM_FaultBlankingCfgTypeDef *pFaultBlkCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULT(Fault)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTBLANKNGMODE(pFaultBlkCfg->BlankingSource)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; switch (Fault) { case HRTIM_FAULT_1: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKS | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKE), ((pFaultBlkCfg->BlankingSource << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKS_Pos) | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKE)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_2: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2BLKS | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2BLKE), ((pFaultBlkCfg->BlankingSource << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2BLKS_Pos) | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2BLKE)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_3: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3BLKS | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3BLKE), ((pFaultBlkCfg->BlankingSource << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3BLKS_Pos) | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3BLKE)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_4: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4BLKS | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4BLKE), ((pFaultBlkCfg->BlankingSource << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4BLKS_Pos) | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4BLKE)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_5: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR4, (HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5BLKS | HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5BLKE), ((pFaultBlkCfg->BlankingSource << HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5BLKS_Pos) | HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5BLKE)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_6: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR4, (HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6BLKS | HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6BLKE), ((pFaultBlkCfg->BlankingSource << HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6BLKS_Pos) | HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6BLKE)); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the Fault Counter (Threshold and Reset Mode) * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Fault fault input to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_1: Fault input 1 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_2: Fault input 2 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_3: Fault input 3 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_4: Fault input 4 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_5: Fault input 5 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_6: Fault input 6 * @param pFaultBlkCfg: pointer to the fault conditioning configuration structure * @retval HAL status * @note A fault is considered valid when the number of * events is equal to the (FLTxCNT[3:0]+1) value * * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_FaultCounterConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Fault, const HRTIM_FaultBlankingCfgTypeDef *pFaultBlkCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULT(Fault)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTCOUNTER(pFaultBlkCfg->Threshold)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTCOUNTERRST(pFaultBlkCfg->ResetMode)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; switch (Fault) { case HRTIM_FAULT_1: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1RSTM | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1CNT), (pFaultBlkCfg->Threshold << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1CNT_Pos) | (pFaultBlkCfg->ResetMode << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1RSTM_Pos)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_2: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2RSTM | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2CNT), (pFaultBlkCfg->Threshold << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2CNT_Pos) | (pFaultBlkCfg->ResetMode << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2RSTM_Pos)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_3: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3RSTM | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3CNT), (pFaultBlkCfg->Threshold << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3CNT_Pos) | (pFaultBlkCfg->ResetMode << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3RSTM_Pos)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_4: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4RSTM | HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4CNT), (pFaultBlkCfg->Threshold << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4CNT_Pos) | (pFaultBlkCfg->ResetMode << HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4RSTM_Pos)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_5: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR4, (HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5RSTM | HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5CNT), (pFaultBlkCfg->Threshold << HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5CNT_Pos) | (pFaultBlkCfg->ResetMode << HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5RSTM_Pos)); break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_6: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR4, (HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6RSTM | HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6CNT), (pFaultBlkCfg->Threshold << HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6CNT_Pos) | (pFaultBlkCfg->ResetMode << HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6RSTM_Pos)); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Reset the fault Counter Reset * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Fault fault input to reset * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_1: Fault input 1 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_2: Fault input 2 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_3: Fault input 3 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_4: Fault input 4 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_5: Fault input 5 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_6: Fault input 6 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_FaultCounterReset(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Fault) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULT(Fault)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; switch (Fault) { case HRTIM_FAULT_1: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1CRES, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1CRES) ; break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_2: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2CRES, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT2CRES) ; break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_3: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3CRES, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT3CRES) ; break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_4: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4CRES, HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT4CRES) ; break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_5: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR4, HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5CRES, HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT5CRES) ; break; } case HRTIM_FAULT_6: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR4, HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6CRES, HRTIM_FLTINR4_FLT6CRES) ; break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable or disables the HRTIMx Fault mode. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Faults fault input(s) to enable or disable * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_1: Fault input 1 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_2: Fault input 2 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_3: Fault input 3 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_4: Fault input 4 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_5: Fault input 5 * @arg HRTIM_FAULT_6: Fault input 6 * @param Enable Fault(s) enabling * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_FAULTMODECTL_ENABLED: Fault(s) enabled * @arg HRTIM_FAULTMODECTL_DISABLED: Fault(s) disabled * @retval None */ void HAL_HRTIM_FaultModeCtl(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Faults, uint32_t Enable) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULT(Faults)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_FAULTMODECTL(Enable)); if ((Faults & HRTIM_FAULT_1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1, HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1E, (Enable & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1E)); } if ((Faults & HRTIM_FAULT_2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1, HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2E, ((Enable << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT2E)); } if ((Faults & HRTIM_FAULT_3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1, HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3E, ((Enable << 16U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT3E)); } if ((Faults & HRTIM_FAULT_4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1, HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4E, ((Enable << 24U) & HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT4E)); } if ((Faults & HRTIM_FAULT_5) != (uint32_t)RESET) { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2, HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5E, ((Enable) & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5E)); } if ((Faults & HRTIM_FAULT_6) != (uint32_t)RESET) { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2, HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6E, ((Enable << 8U) & HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6E)); } } /** * @brief Configure both the ADC trigger register update source and the ADC * trigger source. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param ADCTrigger ADC trigger to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_1: ADC trigger 1 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_2: ADC trigger 2 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_3: ADC trigger 3 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_4: ADC trigger 4 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_5: ADC trigger 5 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_6: ADC trigger 6 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_7: ADC trigger 7 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_8: ADC trigger 8 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_9: ADC trigger 9 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_10: ADC trigger 10 * @param pADCTriggerCfg pointer to the ADC trigger configuration structure * for Trigger nb (1..4): pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger parameter * can be a combination of the following values * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT13_... * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT24_... * for Trigger nb (5..10): pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger parameter * can be one of the following values * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT579_... * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGEREVENT6810_... * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_ADCTriggerConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t ADCTrigger, const HRTIM_ADCTriggerCfgTypeDef *pADCTriggerCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_cr1; uint32_t hrtim_adcur; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER(ADCTrigger)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_ADCTRIGGERUPDATE(pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the ADC trigger update source */ hrtim_cr1 = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR1; hrtim_adcur = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCUR; switch (ADCTrigger) { case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_1: { hrtim_cr1 &= ~(HRTIM_CR1_ADC1USRC); hrtim_cr1 |= (pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource & HRTIM_CR1_ADC1USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 1 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADC1R = pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger; break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_2: { hrtim_cr1 &= ~(HRTIM_CR1_ADC2USRC); hrtim_cr1 |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource << 3U) & HRTIM_CR1_ADC2USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 2 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADC2R = pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger; break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_3: { hrtim_cr1 &= ~(HRTIM_CR1_ADC3USRC); hrtim_cr1 |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource << 6U) & HRTIM_CR1_ADC3USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 3 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADC3R = pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger; break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_4: { hrtim_cr1 &= ~(HRTIM_CR1_ADC4USRC); hrtim_cr1 |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource << 9U) & HRTIM_CR1_ADC4USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 4 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADC4R = pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger; break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_5: { hrtim_adcur &= ~(HRTIM_ADCUR_AD5USRC); hrtim_adcur |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource >> 16U) & HRTIM_ADCUR_AD5USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 5 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER &= ~(HRTIM_ADCER_AD5TRG); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger << HRTIM_ADCER_AD5TRG_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCER_AD5TRG); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_6: { hrtim_adcur &= ~(HRTIM_ADCUR_AD6USRC); hrtim_adcur |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource >> 12U) & HRTIM_ADCUR_AD6USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 6 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER &= ~(HRTIM_ADCER_AD6TRG); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger << HRTIM_ADCER_AD6TRG_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCER_AD6TRG); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_7: { hrtim_adcur &= ~(HRTIM_ADCUR_AD7USRC); hrtim_adcur |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource >> 8U) & HRTIM_ADCUR_AD7USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 7 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER &= ~(HRTIM_ADCER_AD7TRG); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger << HRTIM_ADCER_AD7TRG_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCER_AD7TRG); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_8: { hrtim_adcur &= ~(HRTIM_ADCUR_AD8USRC); hrtim_adcur |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource >> 4U) & HRTIM_ADCUR_AD8USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 8 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER &= ~(HRTIM_ADCER_AD8TRG); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger << HRTIM_ADCER_AD8TRG_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCER_AD8TRG); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_9: { hrtim_adcur &= ~(HRTIM_ADCUR_AD9USRC); hrtim_adcur |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource) & HRTIM_ADCUR_AD9USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 9 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER &= ~(HRTIM_ADCER_AD9TRG); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger << HRTIM_ADCER_AD9TRG_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCER_AD9TRG); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_10: { hrtim_adcur &= ~(HRTIM_ADCUR_AD10USRC); hrtim_adcur |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->UpdateSource << 4U) & HRTIM_ADCUR_AD10USRC); /* Set the ADC trigger 10 source */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER &= ~(HRTIM_ADCER_AD10TRG); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCER |= ((pADCTriggerCfg->Trigger << HRTIM_ADCER_AD10TRG_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCER_AD10TRG); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Update the HRTIM registers */ if (ADCTrigger < HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_5) { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR1 = hrtim_cr1; } else { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCUR = hrtim_adcur; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the ADC trigger postscaler register of the ADC * trigger source. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param ADCTrigger ADC trigger to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_1: ADC trigger 1 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_2: ADC trigger 2 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_3: ADC trigger 3 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_4: ADC trigger 4 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_5: ADC trigger 5 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_6: ADC trigger 6 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_7: ADC trigger 7 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_8: ADC trigger 8 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_9: ADC trigger 9 * @arg HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_10: ADC trigger 10 * @param Postscaler value 0..1F * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_ADCPostScalerConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t ADCTrigger, uint32_t Postscaler) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER(ADCTrigger)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; switch (ADCTrigger) { case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_1: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS1, HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD1PSC, (Postscaler & HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD1PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_2: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS1, HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD2PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD2PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD2PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_3: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS1, HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD3PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD3PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD3PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_4: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS1, HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD4PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD4PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD4PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_5: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS1, HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD5PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD5PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD5PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_6: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS2, HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD6PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD6PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD6PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_7: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS2, HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD7PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD7PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD7PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_8: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS2, HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD8PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD8PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD8PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_9: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS2, HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD9PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD9PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD9PSC)); break; } case HRTIM_ADCTRIGGER_10: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ADCPS2, HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD10PSC, ((Postscaler << HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD10PSC_Pos) & HRTIM_ADCPS2_AD10PSC)); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the ADC Roll-Over mode of the ADC * trigger source. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param RollOverCfg This parameter can be a combination of all the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIM_FEROM_BOTH or HRTIM_TIM_FEROM_CREST or HRTIM_TIM_FEROM_VALLEY * @arg HRTIM_TIM_BMROM_BOTH or HRTIM_TIM_BMROM_CREST or HRTIM_TIM_BMROM_VALLEY * @arg HRTIM_TIM_ADROM_BOTH or HRTIM_TIM_ADROM_CREST or HRTIM_TIM_ADROM_VALLEY * @arg HRTIM_TIM_OUTROM_BOTH or HRTIM_TIM_OUTROM_CREST or HRTIM_TIM_OUTROM_VALLEY * @arg HRTIM_TIM_ROM_BOTH or HRTIM_TIM_ROM_CREST or HRTIM_TIM_ROM_VALLEY * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_RollOverModeConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t RollOverCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_ROLLOVERMODE(RollOverCfg)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; HRTIM_TimingUnitRollOver_Config(hhrtim, TimerIdx, RollOverCfg); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group8 Timer waveform configuration and functions * @brief HRTIM timer configuration and control functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### HRTIM timer configuration and control functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions used to configure and control a HRTIM timer operating in waveform mode: (+) Configure HRTIM timer general behavior (+) Configure HRTIM timer event filtering (+) Configure HRTIM timer deadtime insertion (+) Configure HRTIM timer chopper mode (+) Configure HRTIM timer burst DMA (+) Configure HRTIM timer compare unit (+) Configure HRTIM timer capture unit (+) Configure HRTIM timer output (+) Set HRTIM timer output level (+) Enable HRTIM timer output (+) Disable HRTIM timer output (+) Start HRTIM timer (+) Stop HRTIM timer (+) Start HRTIM timer and enable interrupt (+) Stop HRTIM timer and disable interrupt (+) Start HRTIM timer and enable DMA transfer (+) Stop HRTIM timer and disable DMA transfer (+) Enable or disable the burst mode controller (+) Start the burst mode controller (by software) (+) Trigger a Capture (by software) (+) Update the HRTIM timer preloadable registers (by software) (+) Reset the HRTIM timer counter (by software) (+) Start a burst DMA transfer (+) Enable timer register update (+) Disable timer register update @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure the general behavior of a timer operating in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param pTimerCfg pointer to the timer configuration structure * @note When the timer operates in waveform mode, all the features supported by * the HRTIM are available without any limitation. * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef *pTimerCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); /* Relevant for all HRTIM timers, including the master */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_HALFMODE(pTimerCfg->HalfModeEnable)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_INTERLEAVEDMODE(pTimerCfg->InterleavedMode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_SYNCSTART(pTimerCfg->StartOnSync)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_SYNCRESET(pTimerCfg->ResetOnSync)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_DACSYNC(pTimerCfg->DACSynchro)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_PRELOAD(pTimerCfg->PreloadEnable)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERBURSTMODE(pTimerCfg->BurstMode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_UPDATEONREPETITION(pTimerCfg->RepetitionUpdate)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_MASTER(pTimerCfg->UpdateGating)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_MASTER_IT(pTimerCfg->InterruptRequests)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_MASTER_DMA(pTimerCfg->DMARequests)); /* Configure master timer */ HRTIM_MasterWaveform_Config(hhrtim, pTimerCfg); } else { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_TIM(pTimerCfg->UpdateGating)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIM_IT(pTimerCfg->InterruptRequests)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIM_DMA(pTimerCfg->DMARequests)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMPUSHPULLMODE(pTimerCfg->PushPull)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMFAULTENABLE(pTimerCfg->FaultEnable)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMFAULTLOCK(pTimerCfg->FaultLock)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIMEINSERTION(pTimerCfg->PushPull, pTimerCfg->DeadTimeInsertion)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDELAYEDPROTECTION(pTimerCfg->PushPull, pTimerCfg->DelayedProtectionMode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTBALANCEDIDLE(pTimerCfg->BalancedIdleAutomaticResume)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMUPDATETRIGGER(pTimerCfg->UpdateTrigger)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER(pTimerCfg->ResetTrigger)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMUPDATEONRESET(pTimerCfg->ResetUpdate)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMSYNCUPDATE(pTimerCfg->ReSyncUpdate)); /* Configure timing unit */ HRTIM_TimingUnitWaveform_Config(hhrtim, TimerIdx, pTimerCfg); } /* Update timer parameters */ hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].InterruptRequests = pTimerCfg->InterruptRequests; hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].DMARequests = pTimerCfg->DMARequests; hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].DMASrcAddress = pTimerCfg->DMASrcAddress; hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].DMADstAddress = pTimerCfg->DMADstAddress; hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].DMASize = pTimerCfg->DMASize; /* Force a software update */ HRTIM_ForceRegistersUpdate(hhrtim, TimerIdx); /* Configure slave timer update re-synchronization */ if ((TimerIdx != HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) && (pTimerCfg->UpdateGating == HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_INDEPENDENT)) { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR, HRTIM_TIMCR_RSYNCU_Msk, pTimerCfg->ReSyncUpdate << HRTIM_TIMCR_RSYNCU_Pos); } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the general behavior of a timer operating in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param pTimerCtl pointer to the timer configuration structure * @note When the timer operates in waveform mode, all the features supported by * the HRTIM are available without any limitation. * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerControl(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimerCtlTypeDef *pTimerCtl) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); /* Relevant for all A..F HRTIM timers */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERUPDOWNMODE(pTimerCtl->UpDownMode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERTRGHLFMODE(pTimerCtl->TrigHalf)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERGTCMP3(pTimerCtl->GreaterCMP3)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERGTCMP1(pTimerCtl->GreaterCMP1)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_DUALDAC_RESET(pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacReset)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_DUALDAC_STEP(pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacStep)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_DUALDAC_ENABLE(pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacEnable)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure timing unit */ HRTIM_TimingUnitWaveform_Control(hhrtim, TimerIdx, pTimerCtl); /* Force a software update */ HRTIM_ForceRegistersUpdate(hhrtim, TimerIdx); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the Dual Channel Dac behavior of a timer operating in waveform mode * @param hhrtim: pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param pTimerCtl pointer to the timer DualChannel Dac configuration structure * @note When the timer operates in waveform mode, all the features supported by * the HRTIM are available without any limitation. * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_TimerDualChannelDacConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimerCtlTypeDef *pTimerCtl) { assert_param(IS_HRTIM_DUALDAC_RESET(pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacReset)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_DUALDAC_STEP(pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacStep)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_DUALDAC_ENABLE(pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacEnable)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* clear DCDS,DCDR,DCDE bits */ CLEAR_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR2, (HRTIM_TIMER_DCDE_ENABLED | HRTIM_TIMER_DCDS_OUT1RST | HRTIM_TIMER_DCDR_OUT1SET)); MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR2, (HRTIM_TIMER_DCDE_ENABLED | HRTIM_TIMER_DCDS_OUT1RST | HRTIM_TIMER_DCDR_OUT1SET), (pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacReset | pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacStep | pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacEnable)); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the event filtering capabilities of a timer (blanking, windowing) * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param Event external event for which timer event filtering must be configured * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_1: External event 1 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_2: External event 2 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_3: External event 3 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_4: External event 4 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_5: External event 5 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_6: External event 6 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_7: External event 7 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_8: External event 8 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_9: External event 9 * @arg HRTIM_EVENT_10: External event 10 * @param pTimerEventFilteringCfg pointer to the timer event filtering configuration structure * @note This function must be called before starting the timer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Event, const HRTIM_TimerEventFilteringCfgTypeDef *pTimerEventFilteringCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENT(Event)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEVENTFILTER(TimerIdx, pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEVENTLATCH(pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure timer event filtering capabilities */ switch (Event) { case HRTIM_EVENT_NONE: { CLEAR_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR1); CLEAR_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR2); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_1: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR1, (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1LTCH), (pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_2: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR1, (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE2FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE2LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 6U)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_3: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR1, (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE3FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE3LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 12U)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_4: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR1, (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE4FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE4LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 18U)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_5: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR1, (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE5FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE5LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 24U)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_6: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR2, (HRTIM_EEFR2_EE6FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR2_EE6LTCH), (pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_7: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR2, (HRTIM_EEFR2_EE7FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR2_EE7LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 6U)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_8: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR2, (HRTIM_EEFR2_EE8FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR2_EE8LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 12U)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_9: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR2, (HRTIM_EEFR2_EE9FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR2_EE9LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 18U)); break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_10: { MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR2, (HRTIM_EEFR2_EE10FLTR | HRTIM_EEFR2_EE10LTCH), ((pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Filter | pTimerEventFilteringCfg->Latch) << 24U)); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the external Event Counter A or B of a timer (source, threshold, reset mode) * but does not enable : call HAL_HRTIM_ExternalEventCounterEnable afterwards * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param EventCounter external event Counter A or B for which timer event must be configured * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B * @param pTimerExternalEventCfg: pointer to the timer external event configuration structure * @note This function must be called before starting the timer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_ExtEventCounterConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t EventCounter, const HRTIM_ExternalEventCfgTypeDef *pTimerExternalEventCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_eefr3; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEEVENT(EventCounter)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEEVENT_RESETMODE(pTimerExternalEventCfg->ResetMode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEEVENT_COUNTER(pTimerExternalEventCfg->Counter)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_EVENT(pTimerExternalEventCfg->Source)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A) != 0U) { if (pTimerExternalEventCfg->Source == HRTIM_EVENT_NONE) { /* reset External EventCounter A */ WRITE_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, 0xFFFF0000U); } else { /* Set timer External EventCounter A configuration */ hrtim_eefr3 = (pTimerExternalEventCfg->ResetMode) << HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVARSTM_Pos; hrtim_eefr3 |= ((pTimerExternalEventCfg->Source - 1U)) << HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVASEL_Pos; hrtim_eefr3 |= (pTimerExternalEventCfg->Counter) << HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACNT_Pos; /* do not enable, use HAL_HRTIM_TimerExternalEventEnable function */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVARSTM | HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVASEL | HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACNT), hrtim_eefr3); } } if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B) != 0U) { if (pTimerExternalEventCfg->Source == HRTIM_EVENT_NONE) { /* reset External EventCounter B */ WRITE_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, 0x0000FFFFU); } else { /* Set timer External EventCounter B configuration */ hrtim_eefr3 = (pTimerExternalEventCfg->ResetMode) << HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBRSTM_Pos; hrtim_eefr3 |= ((pTimerExternalEventCfg->Source - 1U)) << HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBSEL_Pos; hrtim_eefr3 |= (pTimerExternalEventCfg->Counter) << HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBCNT_Pos; /* do not enable, use HAL_HRTIM_TimerExternalEventEnable function */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBRSTM | HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBSEL | HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBCNT), hrtim_eefr3); } } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable the external event Counter A or B of a timer * @param hhrtim: pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx: Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param EventCounter external Event Counter A or B for which timer event must be configured * This parameter can be a one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B * @note This function must be called before starting the timer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_ExtEventCounterEnable(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t EventCounter) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEEVENT(EventCounter)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A) != 0U) { SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACE); } if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B) != 0U) { SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBCE); } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable the external event Counter A or B of a timer * @param hhrtim: pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx: Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param EventCounter external event Counter A or B for which timer event must be configured * This parameter can be a one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_ExtEventCounterDisable(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t EventCounter) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEEVENT(EventCounter)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A) != 0U) { CLEAR_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACE); } if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B) != 0U) { CLEAR_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBCE); } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Reset the external event Counter A or B of a timer * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param EventCounter external event Counter A or B for which timer event must be configured * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A * @arg HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B * @note This function must be called before starting the timer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_ExtEventCounterReset(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t EventCounter) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMEEVENT(EventCounter)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_A) != 0U) { SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACRES); } if ((EventCounter & HRTIM_EVENTCOUNTER_B) != 0U) { SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].EEFxR3, HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVBCRES); } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the dead-time insertion feature for a timer * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param pDeadTimeCfg pointer to the deadtime insertion configuration structure * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_DeadTimeConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_DeadTimeCfgTypeDef *pDeadTimeCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_dtr; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIME_PRESCALERRATIO(pDeadTimeCfg->Prescaler)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIME_RISINGSIGN(pDeadTimeCfg->RisingSign)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIME_RISINGLOCK(pDeadTimeCfg->RisingLock)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIME_RISINGSIGNLOCK(pDeadTimeCfg->RisingSignLock)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIME_FALLINGSIGN(pDeadTimeCfg->FallingSign)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIME_FALLINGLOCK(pDeadTimeCfg->FallingLock)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMDEADTIME_FALLINGSIGNLOCK(pDeadTimeCfg->FallingSignLock)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set timer deadtime configuration */ hrtim_dtr = (pDeadTimeCfg->Prescaler & HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC); hrtim_dtr |= (pDeadTimeCfg->RisingValue & HRTIM_DTR_DTR); hrtim_dtr |= (pDeadTimeCfg->RisingSign & HRTIM_DTR_SDTR); hrtim_dtr |= (pDeadTimeCfg->RisingSignLock & HRTIM_DTR_DTRSLK); hrtim_dtr |= (pDeadTimeCfg->RisingLock & HRTIM_DTR_DTRLK); hrtim_dtr |= ((pDeadTimeCfg->FallingValue << 16U) & HRTIM_DTR_DTF); hrtim_dtr |= (pDeadTimeCfg->FallingSign & HRTIM_DTR_SDTF); hrtim_dtr |= (pDeadTimeCfg->FallingSignLock & HRTIM_DTR_DTFSLK); hrtim_dtr |= (pDeadTimeCfg->FallingLock & HRTIM_DTR_DTFLK); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].DTxR, ( HRTIM_DTR_DTR | HRTIM_DTR_SDTR | HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC | HRTIM_DTR_DTRSLK | HRTIM_DTR_DTRLK | HRTIM_DTR_DTF | HRTIM_DTR_SDTF | HRTIM_DTR_DTFSLK | HRTIM_DTR_DTFLK), hrtim_dtr); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the chopper mode feature for a timer * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param pChopperModeCfg pointer to the chopper mode configuration structure * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before configuring the timer output(s) */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_ChopperModeConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_ChopperModeCfgTypeDef *pChopperModeCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_chpr; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CHOPPER_PRESCALERRATIO(pChopperModeCfg->CarrierFreq)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CHOPPER_DUTYCYCLE(pChopperModeCfg->DutyCycle)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CHOPPER_PULSEWIDTH(pChopperModeCfg->StartPulse)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set timer choppe mode configuration */ hrtim_chpr = (pChopperModeCfg->CarrierFreq & HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ); hrtim_chpr |= (pChopperModeCfg->DutyCycle & HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY); hrtim_chpr |= (pChopperModeCfg->StartPulse & HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CHPxR, (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ | HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW), hrtim_chpr); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the burst DMA controller for a timer * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param RegistersToUpdate registers to be written by DMA * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CR: HRTIM_MCR or HRTIM_TIMxCR * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_ICR: HRTIM_MICR or HRTIM_TIMxICR * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_DIER: HRTIM_MDIER or HRTIM_TIMxDIER * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CNT: HRTIM_MCNT or HRTIM_TIMxCNT * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_PER: HRTIM_MPER or HRTIM_TIMxPER * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_REP: HRTIM_MREP or HRTIM_TIMxREP * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP1: HRTIM_MCMP1 or HRTIM_TIMxCMP1 * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP2: HRTIM_MCMP2 or HRTIM_TIMxCMP2 * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP3: HRTIM_MCMP3 or HRTIM_TIMxCMP3 * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP4: HRTIM_MCMP4 or HRTIM_TIMxCMP4 * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_DTR: HRTIM_TIMxDTR * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_SET1R: HRTIM_TIMxSET1R * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_RST1R: HRTIM_TIMxRST1R * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_SET2R: HRTIM_TIMxSET2R * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_RST2R: HRTIM_TIMxRST2R * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_EEFR1: HRTIM_TIMxEEFR1 * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_EEFR2: HRTIM_TIMxEEFR2 * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_RSTR: HRTIM_TIMxRSTR * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CHPR: HRTIM_TIMxCHPR * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_OUTR: HRTIM_TIMxOUTR * @arg HRTIM_BURSTDMA_FLTR: HRTIM_TIMxFLTR * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t RegistersToUpdate) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_BURSTDMA(TimerIdx, RegistersToUpdate)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Set the burst DMA timer update register */ switch (TimerIdx) { case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDTAUPR = RegistersToUpdate; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDTBUPR = RegistersToUpdate; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDTCUPR = RegistersToUpdate; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDTDUPR = RegistersToUpdate; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDTEUPR = RegistersToUpdate; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDTFUPR = RegistersToUpdate; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDMUPR = RegistersToUpdate; break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the compare unit of a timer operating in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CompareUnit Compare unit to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1: Compare unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2: Compare unit 2 * @arg HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_3: Compare unit 3 * @arg HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4: Compare unit 4 * @param pCompareCfg pointer to the compare unit configuration structure * @note When auto delayed mode is required for compare unit 2 or compare unit 4, * application has to configure separately the capture unit. Capture unit * to configure in that case depends on the compare unit auto delayed mode * is applied to (see below): * Auto delayed on output compare 2: capture unit 1 must be configured * Auto delayed on output compare 4: capture unit 2 must be configured * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCompareConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CompareUnit, const HRTIM_CompareCfgTypeDef *pCompareCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure the compare unit */ if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { switch (CompareUnit) { case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1: { hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCMP1R = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; break; } case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2: { hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCMP2R = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; break; } case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_3: { hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCMP3R = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; break; } case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4: { hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCMP4R = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } } else { switch (CompareUnit) { case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_1: { /* Set the compare value */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP1xR = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; break; } case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2: { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_AUTODELAYEDMODE(CompareUnit, pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode)); /* Set the compare value */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP2xR = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; if (pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode != HRTIM_AUTODELAYEDMODE_REGULAR) { /* Configure auto-delayed mode */ /* DELCMP2 bitfield must be reset when reprogrammed from one value */ /* to the other to reinitialize properly the auto-delayed mechanism */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR &= ~HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR |= pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode; /* Set the compare value for timeout compare unit (if any) */ if (pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode == HRTIM_AUTODELAYEDMODE_AUTODELAYED_TIMEOUTCMP1) { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP1xR = pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedTimeout; } else if (pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode == HRTIM_AUTODELAYEDMODE_AUTODELAYED_TIMEOUTCMP3) { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP3xR = pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedTimeout; } else { /* nothing to do */ } } else { /* Clear HRTIM_TIMxCR.DELCMP2 bitfield */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR, HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2, 0U); } break; } case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_3: { /* Set the compare value */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP3xR = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; break; } case HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4: { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_AUTODELAYEDMODE(CompareUnit, pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode)); /* Set the compare value */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP4xR = pCompareCfg->CompareValue; if (pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode != HRTIM_AUTODELAYEDMODE_REGULAR) { /* Configure auto-delayed mode */ /* DELCMP4 bitfield must be reset when reprogrammed from one value */ /* to the other to reinitialize properly the auto-delayed mechanism */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR &= ~HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP4; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR |= (pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode << 2U); /* Set the compare value for timeout compare unit (if any) */ if (pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode == HRTIM_AUTODELAYEDMODE_AUTODELAYED_TIMEOUTCMP1) { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP1xR = pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedTimeout; } else if (pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedMode == HRTIM_AUTODELAYEDMODE_AUTODELAYED_TIMEOUTCMP3) { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CMP3xR = pCompareCfg->AutoDelayedTimeout; } else { /* nothing to do */ } } else { /* Clear HRTIM_TIMxCR.DELCMP4 bitfield */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR, HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP4, 0U); } break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the capture unit of a timer operating in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureUnit Capture unit to configure * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @param pCaptureCfg pointer to the compare unit configuration structure * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before starting the timer */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCaptureConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit, const HRTIM_CaptureCfgTypeDef *pCaptureCfg) { uint32_t Trigger; uint32_t TimerF_Trigger = (uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger >> 32); /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_CAPTURETRIGGER(TimerIdx, (uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger))); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_CAPTUREFTRIGGER(TimerIdx, TimerF_Trigger)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* TimerF_Trigger is valid for setting other Timers than Timer F */ if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A) { Trigger = ((uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger) & 0xFFFF0FFFU) | ((TimerF_Trigger) << HRTIM_CPT1CR_TA1SET_Pos); } else if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B) { Trigger = ((uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger) & 0xFFF0FFFFU) | ((TimerF_Trigger) << HRTIM_CPT1CR_TB1SET_Pos); } else if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C) { Trigger = ((uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger) & 0xFF0FFFFFU) | ((TimerF_Trigger) << HRTIM_CPT1CR_TC1SET_Pos); } else if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D) { Trigger = ((uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger) & 0xF0FFFFFFU) | ((TimerF_Trigger) << HRTIM_CPT1CR_TD1SET_Pos); } else if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E) { Trigger = ((uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger) & 0x0FFFFFFFU) | ((TimerF_Trigger) << HRTIM_CPT1CR_TE1SET_Pos); } else { Trigger = ((uint32_t)(pCaptureCfg->Trigger) & 0xFFFFFFFFU); } /* for setting source capture on Timer F, use Trigger only (all bits are valid then) */ /* Configure the capture unit */ switch (CaptureUnit) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { WRITE_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR, Trigger); break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { WRITE_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR, Trigger); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Configure the output of a timer operating in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param Output Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @param pOutputCfg pointer to the timer output configuration structure * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called before configuring the timer and after * configuring the deadtime insertion feature (if required). */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformOutputConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output, const HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef *pOutputCfg) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, Output)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTPOLARITY(pOutputCfg->Polarity)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLELEVEL(pOutputCfg->IdleLevel)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLEMODE(pOutputCfg->IdleMode)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTFAULTLEVEL(pOutputCfg->FaultLevel)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTCHOPPERMODE(pOutputCfg->ChopperModeEnable)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTBURSTMODEENTRY(pOutputCfg->BurstModeEntryDelayed)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Configure the timer output */ HRTIM_OutputConfig(hhrtim, TimerIdx, Output, pOutputCfg); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Force the timer output to its active or inactive state * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param Output Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @param OutputLevel indicates whether the output is forced to its active or inactive level * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE: output is forced to its active level * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_INACTIVE: output is forced to its inactive level * @retval HAL status * @note The 'software set/reset trigger' bit in the output set/reset registers * is automatically reset by hardware */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformSetOutputLevel(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t OutputLevel) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, Output)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL(OutputLevel)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Force timer output level */ switch (Output) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { if (OutputLevel == HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE) { /* Force output to its active state */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx1R, HRTIM_SET1R_SST); } else { /* Force output to its inactive state */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx1R, HRTIM_RST1R_SRT); } break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { if (OutputLevel == HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE) { /* Force output to its active state */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx2R, HRTIM_SET2R_SST); } else { /* Force output to its inactive state */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx2R, HRTIM_RST2R_SRT); } break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable the generation of the waveform signal on the designated output(s) * Outputs can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous output enabling. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param OutputsToStart Timer output(s) to enable * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformOutputStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t OutputsToStart) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUT(OutputsToStart)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the HRTIM outputs */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR |= (OutputsToStart); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable the generation of the waveform signal on the designated output(s) * Outputs can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous output disabling. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param OutputsToStop Timer output(s) to disable * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformOutputStop(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t OutputsToStop) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_OUTPUT(OutputsToStop)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the HRTIM outputs */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODISR |= (OutputsToStop); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode * Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter start. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer counter(s) to start * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStart(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERID(Timers)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable timer(s) counter */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR |= (Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode * Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter stop. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer counter(s) to stop * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_F * @retval HAL status * @note The counter of a timer is stopped only if all timer outputs are disabled */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStop(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERID(Timers)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable timer(s) counter */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR &= ~(Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode * Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter start. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer counter(s) to start * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_F * @note HRTIM interrupts (e.g. faults interrupts) and interrupts related * to the timers to start are enabled within this function. * Interrupts to enable are selected through HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig * function. * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStart_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { uint8_t timer_idx; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERID(Timers)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable HRTIM interrupts (if required) */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, hhrtim->Init.HRTIMInterruptRequests); /* Enable master timer related interrupts (if required) */ if ((Timers & HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER) != 0U) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].InterruptRequests); } /* Enable timing unit related interrupts (if required) */ for (timer_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A ; timer_idx < HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER ; timer_idx++) { if ((Timers & TimerIdxToTimerId[timer_idx]) != 0U) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_IT(hhrtim, timer_idx, hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].InterruptRequests); } } /* Enable timer(s) counter */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR |= (Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode * Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter stop. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer counter(s) to stop * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_F * @retval HAL status * @note The counter of a timer is stopped only if all timer outputs are disabled * @note All enabled timer related interrupts are disabled. */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStop_IT(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* ++ WA */ __IO uint32_t delai = (uint32_t)(0x17FU); /* -- WA */ uint8_t timer_idx; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERID(Timers)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Disable HRTIM interrupts (if required) */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, hhrtim->Init.HRTIMInterruptRequests); /* Disable master timer related interrupts (if required) */ if ((Timers & HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER) != 0U) { /* Interrupts enable flag must be cleared one by one */ __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].InterruptRequests); } /* Disable timing unit related interrupts (if required) */ for (timer_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A ; timer_idx < HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER ; timer_idx++) { if ((Timers & TimerIdxToTimerId[timer_idx]) != 0U) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_IT(hhrtim, timer_idx, hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].InterruptRequests); } } /* ++ WA */ do { delai--; } while (delai != 0U); /* -- WA */ /* Disable timer(s) counter */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR &= ~(Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode * Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter start. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer counter(s) to start * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_F * @retval HAL status * @note This function enables the dma request(s) mentioned in the timer * configuration data structure for every timers to start. * @note The source memory address, the destination memory address and the * size of each DMA transfer are specified at timer configuration time * (see HAL_HRTIM_WaveformTimerConfig) */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStart_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { uint8_t timer_idx; DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERID(Timers)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); if (((Timers & HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER) != (uint32_t)RESET) && (hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].DMARequests != 0U)) { /* Set the DMA error callback */ hhrtim->hdmaMaster->XferErrorCallback = HRTIM_DMAError ; /* Set the DMA transfer completed callback */ hhrtim->hdmaMaster->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_DMAMasterCplt; /* Enable the DMA channel */ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hhrtim->hdmaMaster, hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].DMASrcAddress, hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].DMADstAddress, hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].DMASize) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].DMARequests); } for (timer_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A ; timer_idx < HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER ; timer_idx++) { if (((Timers & TimerIdxToTimerId[timer_idx]) != (uint32_t)RESET) && (hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMARequests != 0U)) { /* Get the timer DMA handler */ hdma = HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, timer_idx); if (hdma == NULL) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Set the DMA error callback */ hdma->XferErrorCallback = HRTIM_DMAError ; /* Set the DMA transfer completed callback */ hdma->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_DMATimerxCplt; /* Enable the DMA channel */ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdma, hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMASrcAddress, hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMADstAddress, hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMASize) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Enable the timer DMA request */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_ENABLE_DMA(hhrtim, timer_idx, hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMARequests); } } /* Enable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_ENABLE(hhrtim, Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop the counter of the designated timer(s) operating in waveform mode * Timers can be combined (ORed) to allow for simultaneous counter stop. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer counter(s) to stop * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERID_TIMER_F * @retval HAL status * @note The counter of a timer is stopped only if all timer outputs are disabled * @note All enabled timer related DMA requests are disabled. */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_WaveformCountStop_DMA(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { uint8_t timer_idx; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERID(Timers)); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; if (((Timers & HRTIM_TIMERID_MASTER) != 0U) && (hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].DMARequests != 0U)) { /* Disable the DMA */ if (HAL_DMA_Abort(hhrtim->hdmaMaster) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; } else { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Disable the DMA request(s) */ __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, hhrtim->TimerParam[HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER].DMARequests); } } for (timer_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A ; timer_idx < HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER ; timer_idx++) { if (((Timers & TimerIdxToTimerId[timer_idx]) != 0U) && (hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMARequests != 0U)) { /* Get the timer DMA handler */ /* Disable the DMA */ if (HAL_DMA_Abort(HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, timer_idx)) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; } else { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Disable the DMA request(s) */ __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_DISABLE_DMA(hhrtim, timer_idx, hhrtim->TimerParam[timer_idx].DMARequests); } } } /* Disable the timer counter */ __HAL_HRTIM_DISABLE(hhrtim, Timers); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { return HAL_OK; } } /** * @brief Enable or disables the HRTIM burst mode controller. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Enable Burst mode controller enabling * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_BURSTMODECTL_ENABLED: Burst mode enabled * @arg HRTIM_BURSTMODECTL_DISABLED: Burst mode disabled * @retval HAL status * @note This function must be called after starting the timer(s) */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_BurstModeCtl(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Enable) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_BURSTMODECTL(Enable)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable/Disable the burst mode controller */ MODIFY_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BME, Enable); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Trig the burst mode operation. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_BurstModeSoftwareTrigger(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Software trigger of the burst mode controller */ SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMTRGR, HRTIM_BMTRGR_SW); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Trig a software capture on the designed capture unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureUnit Capture unit to trig * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval HAL status * @note The 'software capture' bit in the capure configuration register is * automatically reset by hardware */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SoftwareCapture(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureUnit)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Force a software capture on concerned capture unit */ switch (CaptureUnit) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xCR, HRTIM_CPT1CR_SWCPT); break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { SET_BIT(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xCR, HRTIM_CPT2CR_SWCPT); break; } default: { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); break; } } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR) { return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Trig the update of the registers of one or several timers * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers timers concerned with the software register update * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_F * @retval HAL status * @note The 'software update' bits in the HRTIM control register 2 register are * automatically reset by hardware */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SoftwareUpdate(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE(Timers)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Force timer(s) registers update */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= Timers; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Swap the Timer outputs * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers timers concerned with the software register update * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_F * @retval HAL status * @note The function is not significant when the Push-pull mode is enabled (PSHPLL = 1) */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SwapTimerOutput(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERSWAP(Timers)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Force timer(s) registers update */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= Timers; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Trig the reset of one or several timers * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers timers concerned with the software counter reset * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERRESET_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERRESET_TIMER_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERRESET_TIMER_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERRESET_TIMER_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERRESET_TIMER_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERRESET_TIMER_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERRESET_TIMER_F * @retval HAL status * @note The 'software reset' bits in the HRTIM control register 2 are * automatically reset by hardware */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_SoftwareReset(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERRESET(Timers)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Force timer(s) registers reset */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 = Timers; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Swap the output of one or several timers * @param hhrtim: pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers: timers concerned with the software register update * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_OutputSwapEnable(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERSWAP(Timers)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Force timer(s) registers update */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= Timers; hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Un-swap the output of one or several timers * @param hhrtim: pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers: timers concerned with the software register update * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERSWAP_F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_OutputSwapDisable(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERSWAP(Timers)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Force timer(s) registers update */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 &= ~(Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Start a burst DMA operation to update HRTIM control registers content * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param BurstBufferAddress address of the buffer the HRTIM control registers * content will be updated from. * @param BurstBufferLength size (in WORDS) of the burst buffer. * @retval HAL status * @note The TimerIdx parameter determines the dma channel to be used by the * DMA burst controller (see below) * HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER: DMA channel 2 is used by the DMA burst controller * HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A: DMA channel 3 is used by the DMA burst controller * HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B: DMA channel 4 is used by the DMA burst controller * HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C: DMA channel 5 is used by the DMA burst controller * HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D: DMA channel 6 is used by the DMA burst controller * HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E: DMA channel 7 is used by the DMA burst controller * HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F: DMA channel 8 is used by the DMA burst controller */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMATransfer(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t BurstBufferAddress, uint32_t BurstBufferLength) { DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERINDEX(TimerIdx)); if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY) { return HAL_BUSY; } if (hhrtim->State == HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY) { if ((BurstBufferAddress == 0U) || (BurstBufferLength == 0U)) { return HAL_ERROR; } else { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; } } /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); /* Get the timer DMA handler */ hdma = HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(hhrtim, TimerIdx); if (hdma == NULL) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } /* Set the DMA transfer completed callback */ hdma->XferCpltCallback = HRTIM_BurstDMACplt; /* Set the DMA error callback */ hdma->XferErrorCallback = HRTIM_DMAError ; /* Enable the DMA channel */ if (HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdma, BurstBufferAddress, (uint32_t) &(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BDMADR), BurstBufferLength) != HAL_OK) { hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_ERROR; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_ERROR; } hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable the transfer from preload to active registers for one * or several timing units (including master timer). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer(s) concerned by the register preload enabling command * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_E * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_UpdateEnable(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE(Timers)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable timer(s) registers update */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR1 &= ~(Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disable the transfer from preload to active registers for one * or several timing units (including master timer). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Timers Timer(s) concerned by the register preload disabling command * This parameter can be any combination of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_MASTER * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE_E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_UpdateDisable(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Timers) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMERUPDATE(Timers)); /* Process Locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable timer(s) registers update */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR1 |= (Timers); hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process Unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group9 Peripheral state functions * @brief Peripheral State functions @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Peripheral State functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions used to get HRTIM or HRTIM timer specific information: (+) Get HRTIM HAL state (+) Get captured value (+) Get HRTIM timer output level (+) Get HRTIM timer output state (+) Get delayed protection status (+) Get burst status (+) Get current push-pull status (+) Get idle push-pull status @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Return the HRTIM HAL state * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval HAL state */ HAL_HRTIM_StateTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_GetState(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Return HRTIM state */ return hhrtim->State; } /** * @brief Return actual value of the capture register of the designated capture unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureUnit Capture unit to trig * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval Captured value */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_GetCapturedValue(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit) { uint32_t captured_value; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureUnit)); /* Read captured value */ switch (CaptureUnit) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { captured_value = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xR & 0x0000FFFFU; break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { captured_value = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xR & 0x0000FFFFU; break; } default: { captured_value = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; break; } } return captured_value; } /** * @brief Return actual value and direction of the capture register of the designated capture unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureUnit Capture unit to trig * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval captured value and direction structure */ HRTIM_CaptureValueTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_GetCaptured(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit) { uint32_t tmp; HRTIM_CaptureValueTypeDef captured; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureUnit)); /* Read captured value */ switch (CaptureUnit) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: tmp = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xR; captured.Value = tmp & HRTIM_CPT1R_CPT1R & 0x0000FFFFU; captured.Dir = (((tmp & HRTIM_CPT1R_DIR) == HRTIM_CPT1R_DIR) ? 1U : 0U); break; case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: tmp = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xR; captured.Value = tmp & HRTIM_CPT2R_CPT2R & 0x0000FFFFU; captured.Dir = (((tmp & HRTIM_CPT2R_DIR) == HRTIM_CPT2R_DIR) ? 1U : 0U); break; default: captured.Value = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; captured.Dir = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; break; } return captured; } /** * @brief Return actual direction of the capture register of the designated capture unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param CaptureUnit Capture unit to trig * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: Capture unit 1 * @arg HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: Capture unit 2 * @retval captured direction * @arg This parameter is one HRTIM_Timer_UpDown_Mode : * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDOWNMODE_UP * @arg HRTIM_TIMERUPDOWNMODE_UPDOWN */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_GetCapturedDir(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit) { uint32_t tmp; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); assert_param(IS_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT(CaptureUnit)); /* Read captured value */ switch (CaptureUnit) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: tmp = ((hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT1xR & HRTIM_CPT1R_DIR) >> HRTIM_CPT1R_DIR_Pos); break; case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: tmp = ((hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].CPT2xR & HRTIM_CPT2R_DIR) >> HRTIM_CPT2R_DIR_Pos); break; default: tmp = 0xFFFFFFFFU; break; } return tmp; } /** * @brief Return actual level (active or inactive) of the designated output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param Output Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval Output level * @note Returned output level is taken before the output stage (chopper, * polarity). */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputLevel(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output) { uint32_t output_level; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, Output)); /* Read the output level */ switch (Output) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { if ((hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxISR & HRTIM_TIMISR_O1CPY) != (uint32_t)RESET) { output_level = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE; } else { output_level = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_INACTIVE; } break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { if ((hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxISR & HRTIM_TIMISR_O2CPY) != (uint32_t)RESET) { output_level = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE; } else { output_level = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_INACTIVE; } break; } default: { output_level = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; break; } } return output_level; } /** * @brief Return actual state (RUN, IDLE, FAULT) of the designated output * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param Output Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval Output state */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_WaveformGetOutputState(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output) { uint32_t output_bit; uint32_t output_state; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, Output)); /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* Set output state according to output control status and output disable status */ switch (Output) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TA1OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TA2OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TB1OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TB2OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TC1OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TC2OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TD1OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TD2OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TE1OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TE2OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TF1OEN; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { output_bit = HRTIM_OENR_TF2OEN; break; } default: { output_bit = 0UL; break; } } if ((hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.OENR & output_bit) != (uint32_t)RESET) { /* Output is enabled: output in RUN state (whatever output disable status is)*/ output_state = HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_RUN; } else { if ((hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ODSR & output_bit) != (uint32_t)RESET) { /* Output is disabled: output in FAULT state */ output_state = HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_FAULT; } else { /* Output is disabled: output in IDLE state */ output_state = HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_IDLE; } } return (output_state); } /** * @brief Return the level (active or inactive) of the designated output * when the delayed protection was triggered. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @param Output Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval Delayed protection status */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_GetDelayedProtectionStatus(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output) { uint32_t delayed_protection_status; /* Check parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMER_OUTPUT(TimerIdx, Output)); /* Read the delayed protection status */ switch (Output) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { if ((hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxISR & HRTIM_TIMISR_O1STAT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { /* Output 1 was active when the delayed idle protection was triggered */ delayed_protection_status = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE; } else { /* Output 1 was inactive when the delayed idle protection was triggered */ delayed_protection_status = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_INACTIVE; } break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { if ((hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxISR & HRTIM_TIMISR_O2STAT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { /* Output 2 was active when the delayed idle protection was triggered */ delayed_protection_status = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_ACTIVE; } else { /* Output 2 was inactive when the delayed idle protection was triggered */ delayed_protection_status = HRTIM_OUTPUTLEVEL_INACTIVE; } break; } default: { delayed_protection_status = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; break; } } return delayed_protection_status; } /** * @brief Return the actual status (active or inactive) of the burst mode controller * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval Burst mode controller status */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_GetBurstStatus(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { uint32_t burst_mode_status; /* Read burst mode status */ burst_mode_status = (hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR & HRTIM_BMCR_BMSTAT); return burst_mode_status; } /** * @brief Indicate on which output the signal is currently active (when the * push pull mode is enabled). * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval Burst mode controller status */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { uint32_t current_pushpull_status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); /* Read current push pull status */ current_pushpull_status = (hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxISR & HRTIM_TIMISR_CPPSTAT); return current_pushpull_status; } /** * @brief Indicate on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode, balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval Idle Push Pull Status */ uint32_t HAL_HRTIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { uint32_t idle_pushpull_status; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(TimerIdx)); /* Read current push pull status */ idle_pushpull_status = (hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxISR & HRTIM_TIMISR_IPPSTAT); return idle_pushpull_status; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup HRTIM_Exported_Functions_Group10 Interrupts handling * @brief Functions called when HRTIM generates an interrupt * 7 interrupts can be generated by the master timer: * - Master timer registers update * - Synchronization event received * - Master timer repetition event * - Master Compare 1 to 4 event * 14 interrupts can be generated by each timing unit: * - Delayed protection triggered * - Counter reset or roll-over event * - Output 1 and output 2 reset (transition active to inactive) * - Output 1 and output 2 set (transition inactive to active) * - Capture 1 and 2 events * - Timing unit registers update * - Repetition event * - Compare 1 to 4 event * 8 global interrupts are generated for the whole HRTIM: * - System fault and Fault 1 to 5 (regardless of the timing unit attribution) * - DLL calibration done * - Burst mode period completed @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### HRTIM interrupts handling ##### =============================================================================== [..] This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the HRTIM interrupts: (+) HRTIM interrupt handler (+) Callback function called when Fault1 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when Fault2 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when Fault3 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when Fault4 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when Fault5 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when Fault6 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when system Fault interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when DLL ready interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when burst mode period interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when synchronization input interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer register update interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer repetition interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a compare 1 match interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a compare 2 match interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a compare 3 match interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a compare 4 match interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a capture 1 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a capture 2 interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a delayed protection interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer counter reset interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer output 1 set interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer output 1 reset interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer output 2 set interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer output 2 reset interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called when a timer output 2 reset interrupt occurs (+) Callback function called upon completion of a burst DMA transfer (+) HRTIM callback function registration (+) HRTIM callback function unregistration (+) HRTIM Timer x callback function registration (+) HRTIM Timer x callback function unregistration @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief This function handles HRTIM interrupt request. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be any value of HRTIM_Timer_Index * @retval None */ void HAL_HRTIM_IRQHandler(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* HRTIM interrupts handling */ if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_COMMON) { HRTIM_HRTIM_ISR(hhrtim); } else if (TimerIdx == HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER) { /* Master related interrupts handling */ HRTIM_Master_ISR(hhrtim); } else { /* Timing unit related interrupts handling */ HRTIM_Timer_ISR(hhrtim, TimerIdx); } } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a fault 1 interrupt occurred * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Fault1Callback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Fault1Callback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a fault 2 interrupt occurred * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Fault2Callback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Fault2Callback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a fault 3 interrupt occurred * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Fault3Callback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Fault3Callback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a fault 4 interrupt occurred * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Fault4Callback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Fault4Callback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a fault 5 interrupt occurred * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Fault5Callback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Fault5Callback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a fault 6 interrupt occurred * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Fault6Callback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Fault6Callback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a system fault interrupt occurred * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_SystemFaultCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_SystemFaultCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the DLL calibration is completed * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationReadyCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the end of the burst mode period is reached * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_BurstModePeriodCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_BurstModeCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a synchronization input event is received * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_SynchronizationEventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_SynchronizationEventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when timer registers are updated * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_RegistersUpdateCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Master_RegistersUpdateCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when timer repetition period has elapsed * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_RepetitionEventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Master_RepetitionEventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer counter matches the value * programmed in the compare 1 register * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Compare1EventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Master_Compare1EventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer counter matches the value * programmed in the compare 2 register * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Compare2EventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Master_Compare2EventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer counter matches the value * programmed in the compare 3 register * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Compare3EventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Master_Compare3EventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer counter matches the value * programmed in the compare 4 register. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Compare4EventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Master_Compare4EventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer x capture 1 event occurs * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Capture1EventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_Capture1EventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer x capture 2 event occurs * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Capture2EventCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_Capture2EventCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the delayed idle or balanced idle mode is * entered. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_DelayedProtectionCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_DelayedProtectionCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer x counter reset/roll-over * event occurs. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_CounterResetCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_CounterResetCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer x output 1 is set * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Output1SetCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_Output1SetCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer x output 1 is reset * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Output1ResetCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_Output1ResetCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer x output 2 is set * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Output2SetCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_Output2SetCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when the timer x output 2 is reset * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_Output2ResetCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_Timer_Output2ResetCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a DMA burst transfer is completed * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER for master timer * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMATransferCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); UNUSED(TimerIdx); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMATransferCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Callback function invoked when a DMA error occurs * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_HRTIM_ErrorCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */ UNUSED(hhrtim); /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_HRTIM_ErrorCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) /** * @brief HRTIM callback function registration * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param CallbackID ID of the HRTIM callback function to register * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT1CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT2CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT3CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT4CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT5CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT6CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_SYSTEMFAULTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_DLLCALBRATIONREADYCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_BURSTMODEPERIODCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_SYNCHRONIZATIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_ERRORCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_MSPINIT_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID * @param pCallback Callback function pointer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_RegisterCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, HAL_HRTIM_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pHRTIM_CallbackTypeDef pCallback) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; if (pCallback == NULL) { /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; return HAL_ERROR; } /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); if (HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY == hhrtim->State) { switch (CallbackID) { case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT1CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault1Callback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT2CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault2Callback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT3CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault3Callback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT4CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault4Callback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT5CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault5Callback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT6CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault6Callback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_SYSTEMFAULTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->SystemFaultCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_DLLCALBRATIONREADYCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->DLLCalibrationReadyCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_BURSTMODEPERIODCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->BurstModePeriodCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_SYNCHRONIZATIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->SynchronizationEventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_ERRORCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->ErrorCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_MSPINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspInitCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback; break; default : /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; break; } } else if (HAL_HRTIM_STATE_RESET == hhrtim->State) { switch (CallbackID) { case HAL_HRTIM_MSPINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspInitCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback; break; default : /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; break; } } else { /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; } /* Release Lock */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return status; } /** * @brief HRTIM callback function un-registration * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param CallbackID ID of the HRTIM callback function to unregister * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT1CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT2CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT3CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT4CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT5CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_FAULT6CALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_SYSTEMFAULTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_DLLCALBRATIONREADYCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_BURSTMODEPERIODCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_SYNCHRONIZATIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_ERRORCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_MSPINIT_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_UnRegisterCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, HAL_HRTIM_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); if (HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY == hhrtim->State) { switch (CallbackID) { case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT1CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault1Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault1Callback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT2CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault2Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault2Callback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT3CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault3Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault3Callback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT4CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault4Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault4Callback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT5CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault5Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault5Callback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_FAULT6CALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Fault6Callback = HAL_HRTIM_Fault6Callback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_SYSTEMFAULTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->SystemFaultCallback = HAL_HRTIM_SystemFaultCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_DLLCALBRATIONREADYCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->DLLCalibrationReadyCallback = HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationReadyCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_BURSTMODEPERIODCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->BurstModePeriodCallback = HAL_HRTIM_BurstModePeriodCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_SYNCHRONIZATIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->SynchronizationEventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_SynchronizationEventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_ERRORCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->ErrorCallback = HAL_HRTIM_ErrorCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_MSPINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspInitCallback = HAL_HRTIM_MspInit; break; case HAL_HRTIM_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_HRTIM_MspDeInit; break; default : /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; break; } } else if (HAL_HRTIM_STATE_RESET == hhrtim->State) { switch (CallbackID) { case HAL_HRTIM_MSPINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspInitCallback = HAL_HRTIM_MspInit; break; case HAL_HRTIM_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID : hhrtim->MspDeInitCallback = HAL_HRTIM_MspDeInit; break; default : /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; break; } } else { /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; } /* Release Lock */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return status; } /** * @brief HRTIM Timer x callback function registration * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param CallbackID ID of the HRTIM Timer x callback function to register * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HAL_HRTIM_REGISTERSUPDATECALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_REPETITIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE3EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE4EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_DELAYEDPROTECTIONCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COUNTERRESETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1SETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2SETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_BURSTDMATRANSFERCALLBACK_CB_ID * @param pCallback Callback function pointer * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_TIMxRegisterCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, HAL_HRTIM_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pHRTIM_TIMxCallbackTypeDef pCallback) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; if (pCallback == NULL) { /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; return HAL_ERROR; } /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); if (HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY == hhrtim->State) { switch (CallbackID) { case HAL_HRTIM_REGISTERSUPDATECALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->RegistersUpdateCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_REPETITIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->RepetitionEventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare1EventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare2EventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE3EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare3EventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE4EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare4EventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Capture1EventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Capture2EventCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_DELAYEDPROTECTIONCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->DelayedProtectionCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COUNTERRESETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->CounterResetCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1SETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output1SetCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output1ResetCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2SETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output2SetCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output2ResetCallback = pCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_BURSTDMATRANSFERCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->BurstDMATransferCallback = pCallback; break; default : /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; break; } } else { /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; } /* Release Lock */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return status; } /** * @brief HRTIM Timer x callback function un-registration * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param CallbackID ID of the HRTIM callback Timer x function to unregister * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HAL_HRTIM_REGISTERSUPDATECALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_REPETITIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE3EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE4EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_DELAYEDPROTECTIONCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_COUNTERRESETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1SETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2SETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID * @arg HAL_HRTIM_BURSTDMATRANSFERCALLBACK_CB_ID * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_HRTIM_TIMxUnRegisterCallback(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, HAL_HRTIM_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hhrtim); if (HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY == hhrtim->State) { switch (CallbackID) { case HAL_HRTIM_REGISTERSUPDATECALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->RegistersUpdateCallback = HAL_HRTIM_RegistersUpdateCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_REPETITIONEVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->RepetitionEventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_RepetitionEventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare1EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare1EventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare2EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare2EventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE3EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare3EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare3EventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COMPARE4EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Compare4EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Compare4EventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE1EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Capture1EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Capture1EventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_CAPTURE2EVENTCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Capture2EventCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Capture2EventCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_DELAYEDPROTECTIONCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->DelayedProtectionCallback = HAL_HRTIM_DelayedProtectionCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_COUNTERRESETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->CounterResetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_CounterResetCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1SETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output1SetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output1SetCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT1RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output1ResetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output1ResetCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2SETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output2SetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output2SetCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_OUTPUT2RESETCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->Output2ResetCallback = HAL_HRTIM_Output2ResetCallback; break; case HAL_HRTIM_BURSTDMATRANSFERCALLBACK_CB_ID : hhrtim->BurstDMATransferCallback = HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMATransferCallback; break; default : /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; break; } } else { /* Update the state */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_INVALID_CALLBACK; /* Return error status */ status = HAL_ERROR; } /* Release Lock */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); return status; } #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup HRTIM_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure the master timer time base * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param pTimeBaseCfg pointer to the time base configuration structure * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_MasterBase_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, const HRTIM_TimeBaseCfgTypeDef *pTimeBaseCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_mcr; /* Configure master timer */ hrtim_mcr = hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR; /* Set the prescaler ratio */ hrtim_mcr &= (uint32_t) ~(HRTIM_MCR_CK_PSC); hrtim_mcr |= (uint32_t)pTimeBaseCfg->PrescalerRatio; /* Set the operating mode */ hrtim_mcr &= (uint32_t) ~(HRTIM_MCR_CONT | HRTIM_MCR_RETRIG); hrtim_mcr |= (uint32_t)pTimeBaseCfg->Mode; /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR = hrtim_mcr; hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MPER = pTimeBaseCfg->Period; hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MREP = pTimeBaseCfg->RepetitionCounter; } /** * @brief Configure timing unit (Timer A to Timer F) time base * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param pTimeBaseCfg pointer to the time base configuration structure * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_TimingUnitBase_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimeBaseCfgTypeDef *pTimeBaseCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_timcr; /* Configure master timing unit */ hrtim_timcr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR; /* Set the prescaler ratio */ hrtim_timcr &= (uint32_t) ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_CK_PSC); hrtim_timcr |= (uint32_t)pTimeBaseCfg->PrescalerRatio; /* Set the operating mode */ hrtim_timcr &= (uint32_t) ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_CONT | HRTIM_TIMCR_RETRIG); hrtim_timcr |= (uint32_t)pTimeBaseCfg->Mode; /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR = hrtim_timcr; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].PERxR = pTimeBaseCfg->Period; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].REPxR = pTimeBaseCfg->RepetitionCounter; } /** * @brief Configure the master timer in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param pTimerCfg pointer to the timer configuration data structure * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_MasterWaveform_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, const HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef *pTimerCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_mcr; uint32_t hrtim_bmcr; /* Configure master timer */ hrtim_mcr = hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR; hrtim_bmcr = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR; /* Enable/Disable the half mode */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_HALF); hrtim_mcr |= pTimerCfg->HalfModeEnable; /* INTLVD bits are set to 00 */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD); if ((pTimerCfg->HalfModeEnable == HRTIM_HALFMODE_ENABLED) || (pTimerCfg->InterleavedMode == HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DUAL)) { /* INTLVD bits set to 00 */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD); hrtim_mcr |= (HRTIM_MCR_HALF); } else if (pTimerCfg->InterleavedMode == HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_TRIPLE) { hrtim_mcr |= (HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD_0); hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD_1); } else if (pTimerCfg->InterleavedMode == HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_QUAD) { hrtim_mcr |= (HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD_1); hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD_0); } else { hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_HALF); hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD); } /* Enable/Disable the timer start upon synchronization event reception */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_SYNCSTRTM); hrtim_mcr |= pTimerCfg->StartOnSync; /* Enable/Disable the timer reset upon synchronization event reception */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_SYNCRSTM); hrtim_mcr |= pTimerCfg->ResetOnSync; /* Enable/Disable the DAC synchronization event generation */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_DACSYNC); hrtim_mcr |= pTimerCfg->DACSynchro; /* Enable/Disable preload mechanism for timer registers */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_PREEN); hrtim_mcr |= pTimerCfg->PreloadEnable; /* Master timer registers update handling */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_BRSTDMA); hrtim_mcr |= (pTimerCfg->UpdateGating << 2U); /* Enable/Disable registers update on repetition */ hrtim_mcr &= ~(HRTIM_MCR_MREPU); hrtim_mcr |= pTimerCfg->RepetitionUpdate; /* Set the timer burst mode */ hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_MTBM); hrtim_bmcr |= pTimerCfg->BurstMode; /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MCR = hrtim_mcr; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR = hrtim_bmcr; } /** * @brief Configure timing unit (Timer A to Timer F) in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param pTimerCfg pointer to the timer configuration data structure * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_TimingUnitWaveform_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDef *pTimerCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_timcr; uint32_t hrtim_timfltr; uint32_t hrtim_timoutr; uint32_t hrtim_timrstr; uint32_t hrtim_bmcr; /* UPDGAT bitfield must be reset before programming a new value */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT); /* Configure timing unit (Timer A to Timer F) */ hrtim_timcr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR; hrtim_timfltr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].FLTxR; hrtim_timoutr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].OUTxR; hrtim_bmcr = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR; /* Enable/Disable the half mode */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_HALF); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->HalfModeEnable; if ((pTimerCfg->HalfModeEnable == HRTIM_HALFMODE_ENABLED) || (pTimerCfg->InterleavedMode == HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DUAL)) { /* INTLVD bits set to 00 */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_INTLVD); hrtim_timcr |= (HRTIM_TIMCR_HALF); } else if (pTimerCfg->InterleavedMode == HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_TRIPLE) { hrtim_timcr |= (HRTIM_TIMCR_INTLVD_0); hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_INTLVD_1); } else if (pTimerCfg->InterleavedMode == HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_QUAD) { hrtim_timcr |= (HRTIM_TIMCR_INTLVD_1); hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_INTLVD_0); } else { hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_HALF); hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_INTLVD); } /* Enable/Disable the timer start upon synchronization event reception */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_SYNCSTRT); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->StartOnSync; /* Enable/Disable the timer reset upon synchronization event reception */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_SYNCRST); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->ResetOnSync; /* Enable/Disable the DAC synchronization event generation */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_DACSYNC); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->DACSynchro; /* Enable/Disable preload mechanism for timer registers */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_PREEN); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->PreloadEnable; /* Timing unit registers update handling */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->UpdateGating; /* Enable/Disable registers update on repetition */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_TREPU); if (pTimerCfg->RepetitionUpdate == HRTIM_UPDATEONREPETITION_ENABLED) { hrtim_timcr |= HRTIM_TIMCR_TREPU; } /* Set the push-pull mode */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_PSHPLL); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->PushPull; /* Enable/Disable registers update on timer counter reset */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_TRSTU); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->ResetUpdate; /* Set the timer update trigger */ hrtim_timcr &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR_TIMUPDATETRIGGER); hrtim_timcr |= pTimerCfg->UpdateTrigger; /* Enable/Disable the fault channel at timer level */ hrtim_timfltr &= ~(HRTIM_FLTR_FLTxEN); hrtim_timfltr |= (pTimerCfg->FaultEnable & HRTIM_FLTR_FLTxEN); /* Lock/Unlock fault sources at timer level */ hrtim_timfltr &= ~(HRTIM_FLTR_FLTLCK); hrtim_timfltr |= pTimerCfg->FaultLock; /* Enable/Disable dead time insertion at timer level */ hrtim_timoutr &= ~(HRTIM_OUTR_DTEN); hrtim_timoutr |= pTimerCfg->DeadTimeInsertion; /* Enable/Disable delayed protection at timer level Delayed Idle is available whatever the timer operating mode (regular, push-pull) Balanced Idle is only available in push-pull mode */ if (((pTimerCfg->DelayedProtectionMode != HRTIM_TIMER_A_B_C_DELAYEDPROTECTION_BALANCED_EEV6) && (pTimerCfg->DelayedProtectionMode != HRTIM_TIMER_A_B_C_DELAYEDPROTECTION_BALANCED_EEV7)) || (pTimerCfg->PushPull == HRTIM_TIMPUSHPULLMODE_ENABLED)) { hrtim_timoutr &= ~(HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRTEN); hrtim_timoutr |= pTimerCfg->DelayedProtectionMode; } /* Set the BIAR mode : one bit for both outputs */ hrtim_timoutr &= ~(HRTIM_OUTR_BIAR); hrtim_timoutr |= (pTimerCfg->BalancedIdleAutomaticResume); /* Set the timer counter reset trigger */ hrtim_timrstr = pTimerCfg->ResetTrigger; /* Set the timer burst mode */ switch (TimerIdx) { case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A: { hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_TABM); hrtim_bmcr |= (pTimerCfg->BurstMode << 1U); break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B: { hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_TBBM); hrtim_bmcr |= (pTimerCfg->BurstMode << 2U); break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C: { hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_TCBM); hrtim_bmcr |= (pTimerCfg->BurstMode << 3U); break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D: { hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_TDBM); hrtim_bmcr |= (pTimerCfg->BurstMode << 4U); break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E: { hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_TEBM); hrtim_bmcr |= (pTimerCfg->BurstMode << 5U); break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F: { hrtim_bmcr &= ~(HRTIM_BMCR_TFBM); hrtim_bmcr |= (pTimerCfg->BurstMode << 6U); break; } default: break; } /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR = hrtim_timcr; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].FLTxR = hrtim_timfltr; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].OUTxR = hrtim_timoutr; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = hrtim_timrstr; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.BMCR = hrtim_bmcr; } /** * @brief Control timing unit (timer A to timer F) in waveform mode * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param pTimerCtl pointer to the timer configuration data structure * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_TimingUnitWaveform_Control(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, const HRTIM_TimerCtlTypeDef *pTimerCtl) { uint32_t hrtim_timcr2; /* Configure timing unit (Timer A to Timer F) */ hrtim_timcr2 = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR2; /* Set the UpDown counting Mode */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM); hrtim_timcr2 |= (pTimerCtl->UpDownMode << HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM_Pos) ; /* Set the TrigHalf Mode : requires the counter to be disabled */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_TRGHLF); hrtim_timcr2 |= pTimerCtl->TrigHalf; /* define the compare event operating mode */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP1); hrtim_timcr2 |= pTimerCtl->GreaterCMP1; /* define the compare event operating mode */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP3); hrtim_timcr2 |= pTimerCtl->GreaterCMP3; if (pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacEnable == HRTIM_TIMER_DCDE_ENABLED) { /* Set the DualChannel DAC Reset trigger : requires DCDE enabled */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDR); hrtim_timcr2 |= pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacReset; /* Set the DualChannel DAC Step trigger : requires DCDE enabled */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDS); hrtim_timcr2 |= pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacStep; /* Enable the DualChannel DAC trigger */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDE); hrtim_timcr2 |= pTimerCtl->DualChannelDacEnable; } /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR2 = hrtim_timcr2; } /** * @brief Configure timing RollOver Mode (Timer A to Timer F) * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param pRollOverMode: a combination of the timer RollOver Mode configuration * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_TimingUnitRollOver_Config(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t pRollOverMode) { uint32_t hrtim_timcr2; /* Configure timing unit (Timer A to Timer F) */ hrtim_timcr2 = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR2; if ((hrtim_timcr2 & HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM) != 0U) { /* xxROM bitfield must be reset before programming a new value */ hrtim_timcr2 &= ~(HRTIM_TIMCR2_ROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_OUTROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_ADROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_BMROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_FEROM); /* Update the HRTIM TIMxCR2 register */ hrtim_timcr2 |= pRollOverMode & (HRTIM_TIMCR2_ROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_OUTROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_ADROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_BMROM | HRTIM_TIMCR2_FEROM); hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxCR2 = hrtim_timcr2; } } /** * @brief Configure a capture unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param CaptureUnit Capture unit identifier * @param Event Event reference * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_CaptureUnitConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t CaptureUnit, uint32_t Event) { uint32_t CaptureTrigger = 0xFFFFFFFFU; switch (Event) { case HRTIM_EVENT_1: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_1; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_2: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_2; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_3: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_3; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_4: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_4; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_5: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_5; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_6: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_6; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_7: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_7; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_8: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_8; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_9: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_9; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_10: { CaptureTrigger = HRTIM_CAPTURETRIGGER_EEV_10; break; } default: break; } switch (CaptureUnit) { case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1: { hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger1 = CaptureTrigger; break; } case HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2: { hhrtim->TimerParam[TimerIdx].CaptureTrigger2 = CaptureTrigger; break; } default: break; } } /** * @brief Configure the output of a timing unit * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param Output timing unit output identifier * @param pOutputCfg pointer to the output configuration data structure * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_OutputConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Output, const HRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDef *pOutputCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_outr; uint32_t hrtim_dtr; uint32_t shift = 0U; hrtim_outr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].OUTxR; hrtim_dtr = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].DTxR; switch (Output) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { /* Set the output set/reset crossbar */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx1R = pOutputCfg->SetSource; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx1R = pOutputCfg->ResetSource; break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { /* Set the output set/reset crossbar */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx2R = pOutputCfg->SetSource; hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx2R = pOutputCfg->ResetSource; shift = 16U; break; } default: break; } /* Clear output config */ hrtim_outr &= ~((HRTIM_OUTR_POL1 | HRTIM_OUTR_IDLM1 | HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1 | HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1 | HRTIM_OUTR_CHP1 | HRTIM_OUTR_DIDL1) << shift); /* Set the polarity */ hrtim_outr |= (pOutputCfg->Polarity << shift); /* Set the IDLE mode */ hrtim_outr |= (pOutputCfg->IdleMode << shift); /* Set the IDLE state */ hrtim_outr |= (pOutputCfg->IdleLevel << shift); /* Set the FAULT state */ hrtim_outr |= (pOutputCfg->FaultLevel << shift); /* Set the chopper mode */ hrtim_outr |= (pOutputCfg->ChopperModeEnable << shift); /* Set the burst mode entry mode : deadtime insertion when entering the idle state during a burst mode operation is allowed only under the following conditions: - the outputs is active during the burst mode (IDLES=1U) - positive deadtimes (SDTR/SDTF set to 0U) */ if ((pOutputCfg->IdleLevel == HRTIM_OUTPUTIDLELEVEL_ACTIVE) && ((hrtim_dtr & HRTIM_DTR_SDTR) == (uint32_t)RESET) && ((hrtim_dtr & HRTIM_DTR_SDTF) == (uint32_t)RESET)) { hrtim_outr |= (pOutputCfg->BurstModeEntryDelayed << shift); } /* Update HRTIM register */ hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].OUTxR = hrtim_outr; } /** * @brief Configure an external event channel * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param Event Event channel identifier * @param pEventCfg pointer to the event channel configuration data structure * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_EventConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t Event, const HRTIM_EventCfgTypeDef *pEventCfg) { uint32_t hrtim_eecr1; uint32_t hrtim_eecr2; uint32_t hrtim_eecr3; /* Configure external event channel */ hrtim_eecr1 = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1; hrtim_eecr2 = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR2; hrtim_eecr3 = hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3; switch (Event) { case HRTIM_EVENT_NONE: { /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = 0U; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR2 = 0U; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3 = 0U; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_1: { hrtim_eecr1 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1POL | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1FAST); hrtim_eecr1 |= (pEventCfg->Source & HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC); hrtim_eecr1 |= (pEventCfg->Polarity & HRTIM_EECR1_EE1POL); hrtim_eecr1 |= (pEventCfg->Sensitivity & HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS); /* Update the HRTIM registers (all bitfields but EE1FAST bit) */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; /* Update the HRTIM registers (EE1FAST bit) */ hrtim_eecr1 |= (pEventCfg->FastMode & HRTIM_EECR1_EE1FAST); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_2: { hrtim_eecr1 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR1_EE2SRC | HRTIM_EECR1_EE2POL | HRTIM_EECR1_EE2SNS | HRTIM_EECR1_EE2FAST); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE2SRC); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE2POL); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE2SNS); /* Update the HRTIM registers (all bitfields but EE2FAST bit) */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; /* Update the HRTIM registers (EE2FAST bit) */ hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->FastMode << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE2FAST); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_3: { hrtim_eecr1 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR1_EE3SRC | HRTIM_EECR1_EE3POL | HRTIM_EECR1_EE3SNS | HRTIM_EECR1_EE3FAST); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE3SRC); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE3POL); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE3SNS); /* Update the HRTIM registers (all bitfields but EE3FAST bit) */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; /* Update the HRTIM registers (EE3FAST bit) */ hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->FastMode << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE3FAST); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_4: { hrtim_eecr1 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR1_EE4SRC | HRTIM_EECR1_EE4POL | HRTIM_EECR1_EE4SNS | HRTIM_EECR1_EE4FAST); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE4SRC); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE4POL); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE4SNS); /* Update the HRTIM registers (all bitfields but EE4FAST bit) */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; /* Update the HRTIM registers (EE4FAST bit) */ hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->FastMode << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE4FAST); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_5: { hrtim_eecr1 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR1_EE5SRC | HRTIM_EECR1_EE5POL | HRTIM_EECR1_EE5SNS | HRTIM_EECR1_EE5FAST); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE5SRC); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE5POL); hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE5SNS); /* Update the HRTIM registers (all bitfields but EE5FAST bit) */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; /* Update the HRTIM registers (EE5FAST bit) */ hrtim_eecr1 |= ((pEventCfg->FastMode << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR1_EE5FAST); hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR1 = hrtim_eecr1; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_6: { hrtim_eecr2 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR2_EE6SRC | HRTIM_EECR2_EE6POL | HRTIM_EECR2_EE6SNS); hrtim_eecr2 |= (pEventCfg->Source & HRTIM_EECR2_EE6SRC); hrtim_eecr2 |= (pEventCfg->Polarity & HRTIM_EECR2_EE6POL); hrtim_eecr2 |= (pEventCfg->Sensitivity & HRTIM_EECR2_EE6SNS); hrtim_eecr3 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F); hrtim_eecr3 |= (pEventCfg->Filter & HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR2 = hrtim_eecr2; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3 = hrtim_eecr3; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_7: { hrtim_eecr2 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR2_EE7SRC | HRTIM_EECR2_EE7POL | HRTIM_EECR2_EE7SNS); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE7SRC); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE7POL); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE7SNS); hrtim_eecr3 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR3_EE7F); hrtim_eecr3 |= ((pEventCfg->Filter << 6U) & HRTIM_EECR3_EE7F); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR2 = hrtim_eecr2; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3 = hrtim_eecr3; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_8: { hrtim_eecr2 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR2_EE8SRC | HRTIM_EECR2_EE8POL | HRTIM_EECR2_EE8SNS); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE8SRC); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE8POL); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE8SNS); hrtim_eecr3 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR3_EE8F); hrtim_eecr3 |= ((pEventCfg->Filter << 12U) & HRTIM_EECR3_EE8F); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR2 = hrtim_eecr2; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3 = hrtim_eecr3; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_9: { hrtim_eecr2 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR2_EE9SRC | HRTIM_EECR2_EE9POL | HRTIM_EECR2_EE9SNS); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE9SRC); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE9POL); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE9SNS); hrtim_eecr3 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR3_EE9F); hrtim_eecr3 |= ((pEventCfg->Filter << 18U) & HRTIM_EECR3_EE9F); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR2 = hrtim_eecr2; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3 = hrtim_eecr3; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_10: { hrtim_eecr2 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR2_EE10SRC | HRTIM_EECR2_EE10POL | HRTIM_EECR2_EE10SNS); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Source << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE10SRC); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Polarity << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE10POL); hrtim_eecr2 |= ((pEventCfg->Sensitivity << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR2_EE10SNS); hrtim_eecr3 &= ~(HRTIM_EECR3_EE10F); hrtim_eecr3 |= ((pEventCfg->Filter << 24U) & HRTIM_EECR3_EE10F); /* Update the HRTIM registers */ hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR2 = hrtim_eecr2; hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.EECR3 = hrtim_eecr3; break; } default: break; } } /** * @brief Configure the timer counter reset * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param Event Event channel identifier * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_TIM_ResetConfig(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t Event) { switch (Event) { case HRTIM_EVENT_1: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_1; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_2: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_2; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_3: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_3; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_4: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_4; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_5: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_5; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_6: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_6; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_7: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_7; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_8: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_8; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_9: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_9; break; } case HRTIM_EVENT_10: { hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTxR = HRTIM_TIMRESETTRIGGER_EEV_10; break; } default: break; } } /** * @brief Return the interrupt to enable or disable according to the * OC mode. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval Interrupt to enable or disable */ static uint32_t HRTIM_GetITFromOCMode(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel) { uint32_t hrtim_set; uint32_t hrtim_reset; uint32_t interrupt = 0U; switch (OCChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { /* Retrieves actual OC mode and set interrupt accordingly */ hrtim_set = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx1R; hrtim_reset = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx1R; if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_TOGGLE */ interrupt = HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1; } else if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) && (hrtim_reset == 0U)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_ACTIVE */ interrupt = HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET1; } else if ((hrtim_set == 0U) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_INACTIVE */ interrupt = HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST1; } else { /* nothing to do */ } break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { /* Retrieves actual OC mode and set interrupt accordingly */ hrtim_set = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx2R; hrtim_reset = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx2R; if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_TOGGLE */ interrupt = HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2; } else if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) && (hrtim_reset == 0U)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_ACTIVE */ interrupt = HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET2; } else if ((hrtim_set == 0U) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_INACTIVE */ interrupt = HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST2; } else { /* nothing to do */ } break; } default: break; } return interrupt; } /** * @brief Return the DMA request to enable or disable according to the * OC mode. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @param OCChannel Timer output * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: Timer A - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: Timer A - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: Timer B - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: Timer B - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: Timer C - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: Timer C - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: Timer D - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: Timer D - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: Timer E - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: Timer E - Output 2 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: Timer F - Output 1 * @arg HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: Timer F - Output 2 * @retval DMA request to enable or disable */ static uint32_t HRTIM_GetDMAFromOCMode(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx, uint32_t OCChannel) { uint32_t hrtim_set; uint32_t hrtim_reset; uint32_t dma_request = 0U; switch (OCChannel) { case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1: { /* Retrieves actual OC mode and set dma_request accordingly */ hrtim_set = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx1R; hrtim_reset = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx1R; if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_TOGGLE */ dma_request = HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP1; } else if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1) && (hrtim_reset == 0U)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_ACTIVE */ dma_request = HRTIM_TIM_DMA_SET1; } else if ((hrtim_set == 0U) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_INACTIVE */ dma_request = HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST1; } else { /* nothing to do */ } break; } case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2: case HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2: { /* Retrieves actual OC mode and set dma_request accordingly */ hrtim_set = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].SETx2R; hrtim_reset = hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].RSTx2R; if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_TOGGLE */ dma_request = HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP2; } else if (((hrtim_set & HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2) && (hrtim_reset == 0U)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_ACTIVE */ dma_request = HRTIM_TIM_DMA_SET2; } else if ((hrtim_set == 0U) && ((hrtim_reset & HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2) == HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2)) { /* OC mode: HRTIM_BASICOCMODE_INACTIVE */ dma_request = HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST2; } else { /* nothing to do */ } break; } default: break; } return dma_request; } static DMA_HandleTypeDef *HRTIM_GetDMAHandleFromTimerIdx(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma = (DMA_HandleTypeDef *)NULL; switch (TimerIdx) { case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER: { hdma = hhrtim->hdmaMaster; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A: { hdma = hhrtim->hdmaTimerA; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B: { hdma = hhrtim->hdmaTimerB; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C: { hdma = hhrtim->hdmaTimerC; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D: { hdma = hhrtim->hdmaTimerD; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E: { hdma = hhrtim->hdmaTimerE; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F: { hdma = hhrtim->hdmaTimerF; break; } default: break; } return hdma; } static uint32_t GetTimerIdxFromDMAHandle(const HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, const DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) { uint32_t timed_idx = 0xFFFFFFFFU; if (hdma == hhrtim->hdmaMaster) { timed_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER; } else if (hdma == hhrtim->hdmaTimerA) { timed_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A; } else if (hdma == hhrtim->hdmaTimerB) { timed_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B; } else if (hdma == hhrtim->hdmaTimerC) { timed_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C; } else if (hdma == hhrtim->hdmaTimerD) { timed_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D; } else if (hdma == hhrtim->hdmaTimerE) { timed_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E; } else if (hdma == hhrtim->hdmaTimerF) { timed_idx = HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F; } else { /* nothing to do */ } return timed_idx; } /** * @brief Force an immediate transfer from the preload to the active * registers. * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_ForceRegistersUpdate(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { switch (TimerIdx) { case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= HRTIM_CR2_MSWU; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= HRTIM_CR2_TASWU; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= HRTIM_CR2_TBSWU; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= HRTIM_CR2_TCSWU; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= HRTIM_CR2_TDSWU; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= HRTIM_CR2_TESWU; break; } case HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F: { hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.CR2 |= HRTIM_CR2_TFSWU; break; } default: break; } } /** * @brief HRTIM interrupts service routine * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_HRTIM_ISR(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { uint32_t isrflags = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ISR); uint32_t ierits = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.IER); /* Fault 1 event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_FLT1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_FLT1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_FLT1); /* Invoke Fault 1 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Fault1Callback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_Fault1Callback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Fault 2 event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_FLT2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_FLT2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_FLT2); /* Invoke Fault 2 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Fault2Callback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_Fault2Callback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Fault 3 event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_FLT3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_FLT3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_FLT3); /* Invoke Fault 3 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Fault3Callback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_Fault3Callback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Fault 4 event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_FLT4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_FLT4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_FLT4); /* Invoke Fault 4 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Fault4Callback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_Fault4Callback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Fault 5 event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_FLT5) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_FLT5) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_FLT5); /* Invoke Fault 5 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Fault5Callback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_Fault5Callback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Fault 6 event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_FLT6) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_FLT6) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_FLT6); /* Invoke Fault 6 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Fault6Callback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_Fault6Callback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* System fault event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_SYSFLT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_SYSFLT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_SYSFLT); /* Invoke System fault event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->SystemFaultCallback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_SystemFaultCallback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } } /** * @brief Master timer interrupts service routine * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_Master_ISR(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim) { uint32_t isrflags = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.ISR); uint32_t ierits = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sCommonRegs.IER); uint32_t misrflags = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MISR); uint32_t mdierits = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER); /* DLL calibration ready event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_DLLRDY) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_DLLRDY) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_DLLRDY); /* Set HRTIM State */ hhrtim->State = HAL_HRTIM_STATE_READY; /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hhrtim); /* Invoke System fault event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->DLLCalibrationReadyCallback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_DLLCalibrationReadyCallback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Burst mode period event */ if ((uint32_t)(isrflags & HRTIM_FLAG_BMPER) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(ierits & HRTIM_IT_BMPER) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_IT_BMPER); /* Invoke Burst mode period event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->BurstModePeriodCallback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_BurstModePeriodCallback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Master timer compare 1 event */ if ((uint32_t)(misrflags & HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(mdierits & HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP1); /* Invoke compare 1 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare1EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare1EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Master timer compare 2 event */ if ((uint32_t)(misrflags & HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(mdierits & HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP2); /* Invoke compare 2 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare2EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare2EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Master timer compare 3 event */ if ((uint32_t)(misrflags & HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(mdierits & HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP3); /* Invoke compare 3 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare3EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare3EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Master timer compare 4 event */ if ((uint32_t)(misrflags & HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MCMP4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(mdierits & HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MCMP4); /* Invoke compare 4 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare4EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare4EventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Master timer repetition event */ if ((uint32_t)(misrflags & HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MREP) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(mdierits & HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MREP) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MREP); /* Invoke repetition event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->RepetitionEventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_RepetitionEventCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Synchronization input event */ if ((uint32_t)(misrflags & HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_SYNC) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(mdierits & HRTIM_MASTER_IT_SYNC) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_SYNC); /* Invoke synchronization event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->SynchronizationEventCallback(hhrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_SynchronizationEventCallback(hhrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Master timer registers update event */ if ((uint32_t)(misrflags & HRTIM_MASTER_FLAG_MUPD) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(mdierits & HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MUPD) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_MASTER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, HRTIM_MASTER_IT_MUPD); /* Invoke registers update event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->RegistersUpdateCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_RegistersUpdateCallback(hhrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } } /** * @brief Timer interrupts service routine * @param hhrtim pointer to HAL HRTIM handle * @param TimerIdx Timer index * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A for timer A * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B for timer B * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_C for timer C * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_D for timer D * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_E for timer E * @arg HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_F for timer F * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_Timer_ISR(HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hhrtim, uint32_t TimerIdx) { uint32_t tisrflags = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxISR); uint32_t tdierits = READ_REG(hhrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[TimerIdx].TIMxDIER); /* Timer compare 1 event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP1); /* Invoke compare 1 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare1EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare1EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer compare 2 event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP2); /* Invoke compare 2 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare2EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare2EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer compare 3 event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP3); /* Invoke compare 3 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare3EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare3EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer compare 4 event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CMP4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CMP4); /* Invoke compare 4 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Compare4EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare4EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer repetition event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_REP) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_REP) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_REP); /* Invoke repetition event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->RepetitionEventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_RepetitionEventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer registers update event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_UPD) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_UPD) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_UPD); /* Invoke registers update event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->RegistersUpdateCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_RegistersUpdateCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer capture 1 event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CPT1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT1); /* Invoke capture 1 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Capture1EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Capture1EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer capture 2 event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_CPT2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_CPT2); /* Invoke capture 2 event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Capture2EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Capture2EventCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer output 1 set event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_SET1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET1); /* Invoke output 1 set event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Output1SetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output1SetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer output 1 reset event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST1); /* Invoke output 1 reset event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Output1ResetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output1ResetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer output 2 set event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_SET2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_SET2); /* Invoke output 2 set event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Output2SetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output2SetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer output 2 reset event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST2); /* Invoke output 2 reset event callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->Output2ResetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output2ResetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Timer reset event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_RST) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_RST); /* Invoke timer reset callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->CounterResetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_CounterResetCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } /* Delayed protection event */ if ((uint32_t)(tisrflags & HRTIM_TIM_FLAG_DLYPRT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { if ((uint32_t)(tdierits & HRTIM_TIM_IT_DLYPRT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { __HAL_HRTIM_TIMER_CLEAR_IT(hhrtim, TimerIdx, HRTIM_TIM_IT_DLYPRT); /* Invoke delayed protection callback */ #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hhrtim->DelayedProtectionCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #else HAL_HRTIM_DelayedProtectionCallback(hhrtim, TimerIdx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } } } /** * @brief DMA callback invoked upon master timer related DMA request completion * @param hdma pointer to DMA handle. * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_DMAMasterCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) { HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hrtim = (HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent; if ((hrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER & HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare1EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare1EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER & HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare2EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare2EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER & HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare3EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare3EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER & HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MCMP4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare4EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare4EventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER & HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_SYNC) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->SynchronizationEventCallback(hrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_SynchronizationEventCallback(hrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER & HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MUPD) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->RegistersUpdateCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_RegistersUpdateCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sMasterRegs.MDIER & HRTIM_MASTER_DMA_MREP) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->RepetitionEventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #else HAL_HRTIM_RepetitionEventCallback(hrtim, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_MASTER); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else { /* nothing to do */ } } /** * @brief DMA callback invoked upon timer A..F related DMA request completion * @param hdma pointer to DMA handle. * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_DMATimerxCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) { uint8_t timer_idx; HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hrtim = (HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent; timer_idx = (uint8_t)GetTimerIdxFromDMAHandle(hrtim, hdma); if (!IS_HRTIM_TIMING_UNIT(timer_idx)) {return;} if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare1EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare1EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare2EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare2EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP3) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare3EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare3EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CMP4) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Compare4EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Compare4EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_UPD) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->RegistersUpdateCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_RegistersUpdateCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Capture1EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Capture1EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_CPT2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Capture2EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Capture2EventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_SET1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Output1SetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output1SetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST1) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Output1ResetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output1ResetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_SET2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Output2SetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output2SetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST2) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->Output2ResetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_Output2ResetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->CounterResetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_CounterResetCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_DLYPRT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->DelayedProtectionCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_DelayedProtectionCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else if ((hrtim->Instance->sTimerxRegs[timer_idx].TIMxDIER & HRTIM_TIM_DMA_REP) != (uint32_t)RESET) { #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->RepetitionEventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #else HAL_HRTIM_RepetitionEventCallback(hrtim, timer_idx); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } else { /* nothing to do */ } } /** * @brief DMA error callback * @param hdma pointer to DMA handle. * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_DMAError(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) { HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hrtim = (HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent; #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->ErrorCallback(hrtim); #else HAL_HRTIM_ErrorCallback(hrtim); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } /** * @brief DMA callback invoked upon burst DMA transfer completion * @param hdma pointer to DMA handle. * @retval None */ static void HRTIM_BurstDMACplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma) { HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *hrtim = (HRTIM_HandleTypeDef *)((DMA_HandleTypeDef *)hdma)->Parent; #if (USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS == 1) hrtim->BurstDMATransferCallback(hrtim, GetTimerIdxFromDMAHandle(hrtim, hdma)); #else HAL_HRTIM_BurstDMATransferCallback(hrtim, GetTimerIdxFromDMAHandle(hrtim, hdma)); #endif /* USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS */ } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #endif /* HRTIM1 */ #endif /* HAL_HRTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ /** * @} */